liable to decay
1Liable — Li a*ble (l[imac] [.a]*b l), a. [From F. lier to bind, L. ligare. Cf. {Ally}, v. t., {Ligature}.] 1. Bound or obliged in law or equity; responsible; answerable; as, the surety is liable for the debt of his principal. [1913 Webster] 2. Exposed to… …
2ἀσηπτότερον — ἄσηπτος not liable to decay adverbial comp ἄσηπτος not liable to decay masc acc comp sg ἄσηπτος not liable to decay neut nom/voc/acc comp sg …
3ἀσηπτοτέρα — ἀσηπτοτέρᾱ , ἄσηπτος not liable to decay fem nom/voc/acc comp dual ἀσηπτοτέρᾱ , ἄσηπτος not liable to decay fem nom/voc comp sg (attic doric aeolic) …
4ἀσηπτότατον — ἄσηπτος not liable to decay masc acc superl sg ἄσηπτος not liable to decay neut nom/voc/acc superl sg …
5ἄσηπτον — ἄσηπτος not liable to decay masc/fem acc sg ἄσηπτος not liable to decay neut nom/voc/acc sg …
6History of water fluoridation — Main article: Water fluoridation The history of water fluoridation can be divided into three periods. The first (c. 1901–33) was research into the cause of a form of mottled tooth enamel called the Colorado Brown Stain, which later became known… …
7spoilable — I noun food that will decay rapidly if not refrigerated • Syn: ↑perishable • Hypernyms: ↑foodstuff, ↑food product II adjective liable to decay or spoil or become putrid …
8Incorruptive — In cor*rupt ive, a. [L. incorruptivus.] Incorruptible; not liable to decay. Akenside. [1913 Webster] …
9Liquidambar styraciflua — Conservation status …
10ash — ash1 ashiness, n. ashless, adj. /ash/, n. 1. the powdery residue of matter that remains after burning. 2. Also called volcanic ash. Geol. finely pulverized lava thrown out by a volcano in eruption. 3. a light, silvery gray color …