liable to injury

  • 1make liable to injury — index endanger Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …

    Law dictionary

  • 2liable — li|a|ble [ˈlaıəbəl] adj [not before noun] [Date: 1400 1500; Origin: Perhaps from Old French lier to tie ] 1.) liable to do sth likely to do or say something or to behave in a particular way, especially because of a fault or natural tendency =… …

    Dictionary of contemporary English

  • 3liable — adjective 1 be liable to do sth to be likely to do or say something or to behave in a particular way, especially because of a fault or natural tendency: The car is liable to overheat on long trips. 2 (not before noun) legally responsible for the… …

    Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • 4injury — in·ju·ry n pl ries [Latin injuria, from injurus injurious, from in not + jur jus right] 1: an act that wrongs or harms another; specif: a violation of a legally protected interest (as the physical or mental well being, property, reputation, or… …

    Law dictionary

  • 5liable */*/ — UK [ˈlaɪəb(ə)l] / US adjective [never before noun] a) legally responsible for causing damage or injury, so that you have to pay something or be punished If something goes wrong, you ll be liable. liable for: The hospital was held liable for… …

    English dictionary

  • 6liable — li|a|ble [ laıəbl ] adjective never before noun ** legally responsible for causing damage or injury, so you have to pay something or be punished: If something goes wrong, you ll be liable. liable for: The hospital was held liable for negligence.… …

    Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • 7liable — [ˈlaɪəb(ə)l] adj legally responsible for causing damage or injury, so that you have to pay something or be punished The hospital was held liable for negligence.[/ex] • liable to sth likely to suffer from something unpleasant[/ex] Many parts of… …

    Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • 8Personal injury protection — (PIP) is an extension of car insurance available in some U.S. states that covers medical expenses and, in some cases, lost wages and other damages. PIP is sometimes referred to as no fault coverage, because the statutes enacting it are generally… …


  • 9deceleration injury — an injury sustained by sudden deceleration in the movement of the body, as in a motor vehicle accident; the brain is especially liable to such trauma …

    Medical dictionary

  • 10TORTS — The Principal Categories of Torts The liability of various tortfeasors is discussed in relative detail in the Torah. Four principal cases are considered: (1) where someone opens a pit into which an animal falls and dies (Ex. 21:33–4); (2) where… …

    Encyclopedia of Judaism