loss of sensibility
1sensibility — The consciousness of sensation; the capability of perceiving sensible stimuli. [L. sensibilitas] articular s. appreciation of sensation in joint surfaces. SYN: arthresthesia, joint sense. bone s. SYN: pallesthesia …
2Dissociation of sensibility — is a literary term first used by T. S. Eliot in his essay “The Metaphysical Poets”[1] It refers to the way in which intellectual thought was separated from the experience of feeling in seventeenth century poetry. Contents 1 Origin of terminology… …
3hemithermoanesthesia — Loss of sensibility to heat and cold affecting one side of the body. * * * hemi·ther·mo·an·es·the·sia (hem″e thur″mo an″es theґzhə) thermanesthesia on one side of the body …
4angiospastic anesthesia — loss of sensibility dependent on spasm of the blood vessels …
5hardened — hardened, indurated, callous mean grown or become hard. These terms are comparable in both literal (compare HARDEN 1) and extended use. Hardened is the most inclusive because it is applicable to any substance, whether originally fluid or solid,… …
6insensibility — n. 1. Torpor, lethargy, dulness, want of sensibility. 2. Apathy, indifference, insusceptibility. 3. Dulness, stupidity. 4. Unconsciousness, suspension of consciousness, loss of sensibility, suspension of feeling …
7nitrous oxide — noun Date: 1798 a colorless gas N2O that when inhaled produces loss of sensibility to pain preceded by exhilaration and sometimes laughter, that is used especially as an anesthetic in dentistry and as a fuel, and that is an atmospheric pollutant… …
8Elizabeth Bath — (1772 ndash; 1856) [ [http://ucblibraries.colorado.edu/specialcollections/collections/wprp/items/005.htm UCB Libraries | Special Collections | WPRP 5 ] ] is the author of a collection of sixty six poems published by subscription in 1806 in… …
9anesthecinesia — SYN: anesthekinesia. * * * anes·the·ci·ne·sia (an es″the sĭ neґzhə) [an 1 + esthesi + cinesi + ia] loss of sensibility and motor power …
10hemianalgesia — Analgesia affecting one side of the body. * * * hemi·an·al·ge·sia .an əl jē zhə, z(h)ē ə n loss of sensibility to pain on either lateral side of the body * * * hemi·an·al·ge·sia (hem″e an″əl jeґze ə) [hemi + analgesia]… …