
  • 21Edvard Munch , Timm Werner (1982)
    Книга о норвежском живописце, гравере, скульпторе, экспрессионисте Эдварде Мунке. Он был очень популярен еще… 500 руб

  • 22Patente, Marken, Design von A bis Z , Volker Munch
    Patentrecht, Markenrecht und Designschutz bilden einen Bereich, der standigem Wandel unterworfen ist. Selbst fur Spezialisten ist es zur Herausforderung geworden, Rechte und Forschungsergebnisse zu… 5853.56 руб электронная книга

  • 23Ma reisinüksinda , Самюэль Бьорк (2017)
    Kõhedusttekitav ja tempokas põnevik, milles kaks uurijat peavad leidma kättemaksuhimulise tapja ja paljastama saladuse, mis seob ka neid kuriteoga. Norras leitakse metsast kuueaastane… 1172.17 руб электронная книга

  • 241-2-3 Dinosaurs Bite: A Prehistoric Counting Book , American Museum of Natural History (2012)
    Gobble, gobble, munch, and crunch: watch the pages disappear! Five hungry dinosaurs--from mighty little Microraptor to colorful Carnotaurus--sink their teeth into this tasty novelty book, created… 790 руб

  • 25Munchen , Rudolf Reiser (1991)
    Ein bunter Bilderbogenreigen mit der Residenz und dem Hofbrauhaus, den schonsten Madonnen und Munch-nerinnen, den prachtigen Barockschlbssern und Wies'nrossern, den Theatern und Museen, den… 290 руб

  • 26Oslo: Pocket Guide (2014)
    Oslo is one of Scandinavia's most appealing capitals, combining a stunning waterfront, fascinating museums, and the natural splendour of its fjords and forests. This concise, full-colour guide has… 746 руб

  • 27Art Nouveau. 50 Works of Art You Should Know , Hodge Susie (2015)
    The heyday of the Art Nouveau style was relatively short, spanning the decades immediately before and after 1900. However it was a tremendously important period, not only for its radical shift away… 1508 руб

  • 28Japanomania in the Nordic Countries, 1875-1918
    This extensive publication, complete with hundreds of illustrations by such renowned artists as Carl Larsson, Edvard Munch, Vilhelm Hammersh&# 248;i, Helene Schjerfbeck, Pekka Halonen, Akseli… 3418 руб

  • 29Winnie and Wilbur in Space (2016)
    Three, two, one... whoosh! Winnie and Wilbur zoom into space! Dodging satellites and flying saucers, they find the perfect planet for a picnic. But when some naughty space rabbits munch their rocket… 502 руб

  • 3021 maailmakuulsat kunstnikku , Annus Raud (2012)
    Tõeline kunstnik ei kopeeri kunagi tegelikkust, ta interpreteerib seda enda sisemaailma kaudu. Selleks kasutab ta mitmesuguseid, olemuselt tinglikke meetodeid. Kunstniku taotlused, valitud teema ja… 641.03 руб электронная книга