now existing

  • 51Daniel Sidney Warner — Daniel Sydney Warner Born July 25, 1842(1842 07 25) Bristol (Now, Marshallville), Ohio Died December 12, 1895( …


  • 52Gotland Ring — is a premium racetrack and multi functional motorsport facility on the Swedish island of Gotland, the most popular tourist resort in Sweden.The circuit designed by the founder Alec Arho Havrén will be FIA inspected for international racing Q4… …


  • 53Hamilton —    HAMILTON, a parish, burgh, and market town, in the Middle ward of the county of Lanark, including the village of Fernigair, and containing 10,862 inhabitants, of whom 8876 are in the town, 11 miles (S. E. by E.) from Glasgow, and 38 (W. S. W.) …

    A Topographical dictionary of Scotland

  • 54Broughton Baronets — Doddington Hall The Broughton, later Broughton Delves, later Broughton Baronetcy, of Broughton in the County of Stafford, is a title in the Baronetage of England. It was created on 10 March 1661 for Sir Brian Broughton, of Broughton Hall, near… …


  • 55Slave Trade Compromise and Fugitive Slave Clause — The Framers debated over the extent to which slavery would be included, permitted, or prohibited in the United States Constitution. In the end, they created a document of compromise that represented the interests of the nation as they knew it and …


  • 56Code of Indian Offenses — What follows is the literal text of the Code of Indian Offenses. R U L E S GOVERNINGTHE COURT OF INDIAN OFFENSES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OFFICE OF INDIAN AFFAIRS,Washington, March 30, 1883.SIR: Your special attention is directed to the… …


  • 57St. Louis, I. M. & S. R. Co. v. Berry — SCOTUSCase Litigants=St. Louis, I. M. S. R. Co. v. Berry ArgueDate=January ArgueYear=1885 DecideDate=March 2 DecideYear=1885 FullName=St. Louis, I. M. S. R. Co. v. Berry USVol=113 USPage=465 Citation= Prior= Subsequent= Holding= SCOTUS=1882 1887… …


  • 58dualism — dualist, n., adj. /dooh euh liz euhm, dyooh /, n. 1. the state of being dual or consisting of two parts; division into two. 2. Philos. a. the view that there are just two mutually irreducible substances. Cf. monism, pluralism. b. the view that… …


  • 59plasma — plasmatic /plaz mat ik/, plasmic, adj. /plaz meuh/, n. 1. Anat., Physiol. the liquid part of blood or lymph, as distinguished from the suspended elements. 2. Cell Biol. cytoplasm. 3. whey. 4. a green, faintly translucent chalcedony. 5. Physics. a …


  • 60Conservation in the United States — A pile of Bison skulls circa 1870. Conservation in the United States can be traced back to the 19th century with the formation of the first National Park. Contents 1 …
