patent medicine

  • 101Circulation, fetal — The blood circulation in the fetus (the unborn baby). Before birth, the blood from the heart that is destined (in the pulmonary artery) for the lungs is shunted away from the lungs and returned to the greatest of arteries (the aorta). The shunt… …

    Medical dictionary

  • 102Embolism — The obstruction of a blood vessel by a foreign substance or a blood clot blocking the vessel. Something travels through the bloodstream, lodges in a vessel and plugs it. Foreign substances that can cause embolism include an air bubble, amniotic… …

    Medical dictionary

  • 103Fissure — A cleft or groove. A fissure can be normal or abnormal. A fissure in the cerebral cortex is a normal feature. It is a deep fold that involves the entire thickness of the brain wall. A fissure in the anus is distinctly abnormal. It is a painful… …

    Medical dictionary

  • 104Gene expression — A highly specific process in which a gene is switched on at a certain time and speaks out. A gene communicates by expressing its code. When the gene is expressed, the information encoded in the gene is transcribed into RNA and sometimes… …

    Medical dictionary

  • 105Quackery — Deliberate misrepresentation of the ability of a substance or device for the prevention or treatment of disease. We may think that the day of patent medicines is gone but look around you and you will see them still. They appeal to our desire to… …

    Medical dictionary

  • 106Ramus — In anatomy, a branch, such as a branch of a blood vessel or nerve. For example, the ramus acetabularis arteriae circumflexae femoris medialis is the branch of an artery that goes to the socket of the hip joint. The plural of ramus is rami. * * *… …

    Medical dictionary

  • 107Stent — A tube designed to be inserted into a vessel or passageway to keep it open. Stents are inserted into narrowed coronary arteries to help keep them open after balloon angioplasty. The stent then allows the normal flow of blood and oxygen to the… …

    Medical dictionary

  • 108Trachea — The trachea is a tube like portion of the breathing or "respiratory" tract that connects the "voice box" (larynx) with the bronchial parts of the lungs. The trachea is also called the "windpipe." * * * The air tube… …

    Medical dictionary

  • 109alprostadil — A vasodilator used for palliative therapy to temporarily maintain patency of the ductus arteriosus in neonates with congenital heart defects. SYN: prostaglandin E1. * * * al·pros·ta·dil al präs tə dil n a vasodilating prostaglandin C20H34O …

    Medical dictionary

  • 110APS — Abbreviation for adenosine 5′ phosphosulfate. * * * acute physiology score; adenosine phosphosulfate; advanced photon source; American Pain Society; American Pediatric Society; American Physiological Society; American Proctologic Society;… …

    Medical dictionary