1Our Dark Side. A History of Perversion , Elisabeth Roudinesco
Where does perversion begin? Who is perverse? Ever since the word first appeared in the Middle Ages, anyone who delights in evil and in the destruction of the self or others has been described… 5459.42 руб электронная книга2Women in Control: Iron Fist; Velvet Glove , Larry Utley (2004)
Book DescriptionImages of the dominant female were once the exclusive property of secretive fetishists, guiltily celebrated in underground books and videos and unknown to the mainstream. Today… 1600 руб3Les combustibles , Amelie Nothomb (2002)
Am&# 233;lie Nothomb Les Combustibles La ville est assi&# 233;g&# 233;e. Dans l'appartement du Professeur, o&# 249; se sont r&# 233;fugi&# 233;s son assistant et Marina, l'&# 233;tudiante, un seul… 477 руб4Invisible , Paul Auster (2010)
Sinuously constructed in four interlocking parts, "Invisible" opens in New York City in the spring of 1967 when twenty-year-old Adam Walker, an aspiring poet and student at Columbia University meets… 635 руб5Poesies. Une saison en enfer. Illuminations , Rimbaud Arthur (1999)
Le d&# 233;sordre somptueux d'une passion exotique,&# 233;clat d'un m&# 233;t&# 233;ore, selon Mallarm&# 233;; un ange en exil aux yeux d'un bleu p&# 226;le inqui&# 233;tant, pour Verlaine. Un "&#… 396 руб6La Dame aux camelias , Dumas Alexandre Fils (1975)
Trop de faveur nuit:&# 233;crite en 1848, devenue aussit&# 244;t et d&# 233;finitivement un mythe, La Dame aux Cam&# 233;lias a&# 233;t&# 233; si souvent transpos&# 233;e, adapt&# 233;e, film&# 233;e… 614 руб7John Currin , Tower Wells (2011)
A catalogue of new work by American artist John Currin, one of the world's foremost figurative painters. John Currin's work draws upon a broad range of cultural influences that include Renaissance… 7297 руб8Invisible , Paul Auster (2010)
Sinuously constructed in four interlocking parts, Paul Auster's fifteenth novel opens in New York City in the spring of 1967, when twenty-year-old Adam Walker, an aspiring poet and student at… 849 руб9The Picture of Dorian Gray (подарочное издание) , Oscar Wilde (2003)
Стильно оформленное подарочное издание в суперобложке, с трехсторонним золотым обрезом и шелковым ляссе. On… 1099 руб10No. 6: Volume 6 , Atsuko Asano (2014)
A series of strange incidents cast a pall over No. 6 as it prepares to celebrate its "Holy Day." Meanwhile, in the tunnels beneath the Correctional Facility, Shion and Rat meet with the mysterious… 819 руб