public address
1public address — index peroration Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …
2Public address — This article is about audio systems. For IP addresses, see IP address. Horn loudspeakers are often used to broadcast sound to outdoor locations A public address system (PA system) is an electronic amplification system with a mixer, amplifier and… …
3Public Address — Beschallungsanlagen sind elektrische Anlagen, die Tonsignale aus Mikrofonen, elektronischen oder elektromechanischen Musikinstrumenten oder Aufzeichnungsgeräten verstärken und mittels Lautsprechern der menschlichen Wahrnehmung zugänglich machen.… …
4public address system — public address systems N COUNT A public address system is a set of electrical equipment which allows someone s voice, or music, to be heard throughout a large building or area. The abbreviation PA is also used. The news was announced on the… …
5public address system — ˌpublic adˈdress ˌsystem abbreviation PA noun [uncountable] a system used to make voices and music louder so that they can be heard by everyone in a public place or building * * * public address system UK US noun [C] (ABBREVIATION PA, also …
6public address system — ► NOUN ▪ a system of microphones, amplifiers, and loudspeakers used to amplify speech or music …
7public-address system — ☆ public address system [pub′lik ə dres′ ] n. an electronic amplification system, used as in auditoriums or theaters, so that announcements, music, etc. can be easily heard by a large audience …
8public-address system — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms public address system : singular public address system plural public address systems a system of electrical equipment used for speaking or playing music in a large building or area. The more usual word is PA… …
9public address system — noun an electronic amplification system used as a communication system in public areas • Syn: ↑P.A. system, ↑PA system, ↑P.A., ↑PA • Hypernyms: ↑communication system • Part Meronyms: ↑ …
10public-address system — {n.} A set of devices for making a speaker s voice louder so that he can be heard by more people. * /The public address system broke down during the senator s speech./ * /The news was announced over the public address system./ …