rejoice with

  • 131compliment — n 1. praise, tribute, homage, honor, commendation, laudation, celebration, exaltation, extolment, glorification, adulation; eulogy, encomium, panegyric, good word, blurb; flattery, trumpetry, puffery, crying up, singing [s.o. s] praises, praising …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 132congratulate — v 1. wish [s.o.] joy, rejoice with, felicitate, compliment, wish [s.o.] many happy returns, Archaic. gratulate, offer one s felicitations or compliments, bless; shake [s.o. s] hand, Inf. pat on the back; hail, salute. 2. applaud, acclaim, cheer;… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder