1Leading with Care. How Women Around the World are Inspiring Businesses, Empowering Communities, and Creating Opportunity , Mary Cantando
In partnership with international relief agency CARE, an inspiring look at how women around the world are developing businesses and creating opportunity. In this ground-breaking business book… 1817.85 руб электронная книга2Walden&Civil Disobedience , Thoreau Henry David (2016)
No nineteenth-century American writer can claim to be as modern as Henry David Thoreau. His central preoccupations - the illusory nature of much of what we call'progress', the proper symbiotic… 558 руб3Walden&Civil Disobedience , Henry David Thoreau (2016)
No nineteenth-century American writer can claim to be as modern as Henry David Thoreau. His central preoccupations - the illusory nature of much of what we call progress, the proper symbiotic… 712 грн (только Украина)4Building Beehives For Dummies , Howland Blackiston
The easy way to build your own beehives and beekeeping equipment Building Beehives For Dummies is the follow-up book to the bestselling Beekeeping For Dummies. It provides everything you need to… 1302.58 руб электронная книга5Walden& Civil Disobedience , Генри Дэвид Торо (2016)
No nineteenth-century American writer can claim to be as modern as Henry David Thoreau. His central preoccupations - the illusory nature of much of what we call&# 039;progress&# 039;, the proper… 172 грн (только Украина)61,001 GMAT Practice Questions For Dummies , Shannon Reed
An indispensible practice tool for the GMAT The GMAT exam is the preferred graduate test of universities across the globe. It measures analytical writing and problem solving abilities and addresses… 1625.34 руб электронная книга