1Wives and Daughters , Elizabeth Gaskell (2003)
Gaskell's last novel, widely considered her masterpiece, follows the fortunes of two families in nineteenth century rural England. At its core are family relationships - father, daughter and… 215 руб2Pride and Prejudice , Jane Austen (2008)
'his perfect indifference, and your pointed dislike, make it so delightfully absurd!' "Pride and Prejudice" has delighted generations of readers with its unforgettable cast of characters, carefully… 309 руб3The Story Of A Child , Pierre Loti (1892)
We pretended to be two caterpillars, and we would creep along the ground upon our stomachs and our knees and hunt for leaves to eat. After having done that for some time we played that we were very… 1484 руб4William Holman Hunt. A Catalogue Raisonne , Bronkhurst Judith (2006)
William Holman Hunt was one of the three major artistic talents of the Pre-Raphaelite brotherhood. Hunt’s work was always characterized by great seriousness of purpose, and his paintings include… 19894 руб5The Comedy of Errors , Shakespeare William (2004)
The Comedy of Errors has been popular on the stage during the last three centuries and has proved itself admirably suited to adaptation as pure farce and musical spectacle. For this updated edition… 1139 руб6Wives and Daughters , Gaskell Elizabeth Cleghorn (2003)
Gaskell's last novel, widely considered her masterpiece, follows the fortunes of two families in nineteenth century rural England. At its core are family relationships - father, daughter and… 254 руб7The Wrecking Light , Robin Robertson (2010)
Robin Robertson's fourth collection is, if anything, an even more moving, bleakly lyrical, and at times shocking book than Swithering, winner of the Forward Prize. Alongside deft translations from… 1149 руб8Notes from Underground& Other Stories , Федор Достоевский (2015)
With an Introduction and Notes by David Rampton, Department of English, University of Ottowa. Notes from Underground and Other Stories is a comprehensive collection of Dostoevsky&# 039;s short… 91 грн (только Украина)9Notes From Underground&Other Stories , Dostoevsky Fyodor (2016)
Notes from Underground and Other Stories is a comprehensive collection of Dostoevsky's short fiction. Many of these stories, like his great novels, reveal his special sympathy for the solitary and… 401 руб10The Book of Kells: An Illustrated Introduction to the Manuscript in Trinity College Dublin , Bernard Meehan (2015)
The Book of Kells is a masterpiece of medieval art-a brilliantly decorated version of the four Gospels with full-page depictions of Christ, the Virgin and the Evangelists as well as a wealth of… 1749 руб