
  • 31Metaphysical solipsism — is the variety of idealism which is based on the argument that no reality exists other than one s own mind or mental states, and that the individual mind is the whole of reality and the external world has no independent existence. It is expressed …


  • 32Methodological solipsism — In epistemology and the philosophy of mind, methodological solipsism has at least two distinct definitions: Methodological solipsism is the epistemological thesis that the individual self and its states are the sole possible or proper starting… …


  • 33Pantheistic solipsism — is a technical term (properly Pantheistic multiple ego solipsism ) that has been advanced for the World as Myth idea proposed by science fiction writer Robert A. Heinlein in several of his books and stories, although the concept has little in… …


  • 34Epistemological solipsism — is the variety of idealism according to which only the directly accessible mental contents of the solipsistic philosopher can be known. The existence of anexternal world is regarded as an unresolvable question, or an unnecessary hypothesis rather …


  • 35Ethical solipsism — is relative to Ethical egoism however the difference is in that while the ethical egotist thinks that others should abide by the social order while it is in his/her best interest to do what best suits him/her as an individual, the Ethical… …


  • 36methodological solipsism — The view that the study of cognitive processes should consider those processes in abstraction from the environment in which the subject is placed. The most powerful motive for this suggestion is the comparison between cognitive processing and the …

    Philosophy dictionary

  • 37СОЛИПСИЗМ — (solipsism) (Философия) доктрина, согласно которой субъект Я это все, о существовании чего может быть известно, а внешний мир только содержание индивидуального сознания. Доктрина результат признания того, что объекты нашего чувственного опыта… …

    Большой толковый социологический словарь

  • 38Солипсизм — (solipsism), признание лишь себя самого единственно существующим или, по крайней мере, тем единств., о ком можно что то знать. Солипсист, т.о., отрицает существование и внеш. физ. мира, и др., кроме себя, носителей сознания. Как правило, он… …

    Народы и культуры

  • 39panegoism — solipsism Philosophical Isms …

    Phrontistery dictionary

  • 40Nihilism — This article is about the philosophical doctrines. For other uses, see Nihilism (disambiguation). Certainty series Agnosticism Belief Certainty Doubt Determini …
