spin out

  • 1spin out — (something) to give the details of a story or idea. LaRouche liked to spin out crazy theories all the time. We were dazzled by his ability to take a simple idea and spin it out into something amazing …

    New idioms dictionary

  • 2spin out — {v. phr.} 1. To go out of control. * /The bus spun out on the icy road and fell into the ditch./ 2. To make something go out of control. * /Tom stepped on the brakes so fast that he spun his car out of control and went off the road./ …

    Dictionary of American idioms

  • 3spin out — {v. phr.} 1. To go out of control. * /The bus spun out on the icy road and fell into the ditch./ 2. To make something go out of control. * /Tom stepped on the brakes so fast that he spun his car out of control and went off the road./ …

    Dictionary of American idioms

  • 4spin-out — /spin owt /, n. the spinning out of control into a rotating skid of a car or other vehicle. Also, spinout. [1950 55; n. use of v. phrase spin out] * * * …


  • 5spin-out — /spin owt /, n. the spinning out of control into a rotating skid of a car or other vehicle. Also, spinout. [1950 55; n. use of v. phrase spin out] …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 6spin|out — «SPIHN OWT», noun. a spin causing an automobile to run off the road, especially when rounding a corner at high speed: »Also popular: decorative features such as racing stripes…and “spoilers” vertical flaps that put pressure on the rear wheels to… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 7spin out — index prolong Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …

    Law dictionary

  • 8Spin out — For the attraction, see Spin Out (ride). A spin out, also known as a spin off or a starburst, refers to a type of corporate action where a company splits off sections of itself as a separate business.[1] The common definition of spin out is when… …


  • 9spin out — verb prolong or extend spin out a visit • Syn: ↑spin • Hypernyms: ↑prolong, ↑protract, ↑extend, ↑draw out • Verb Frames …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 10Spin Out — A type of corporate restructuring. Spin outs occur when a corporation breaks off parts or divisions of itself to form a new corporation. The new company that is spun out brings with it some of the parent company s assets and equipment. The SEC… …

    Investment dictionary