1Synizesis — (Greek: Συνιζησις, a sitting together ) is a poetic figure of speech in which two consecutive vowel sounds are pronounced as a single phoneme so that certain words adhere to a particular poetic meter. Unlike the phenomenon of crasis, synizesis… …
2synizesis — [sin΄ə zē′sis] n. pl. synizeses [sin΄ə zē′sēz] [LL < Gr synizēsis < synizanein, to sink in, collapse < syn , with + hizein, to SIT] 1. the contraction of two adjacent vowels into a single syllable, without the formation of a diphthong 2 …
3Synizesis — Syn i*ze sis, n. [L., fr. Gr. ?, fr. ? to sit together; sy n with + ? to sit.] 1. (Med.) An obliteration of the pupil of the eye. [1913 Webster] 2. (Gram.) A contraction of two syllables into one; synecphonesis. [1913 Webster] …
4Synizēsis — (gr.), 1) das Zusammenfallen od. Zusammenschmelzen; 2) das Zusammenaussprechen getrennt geschriebener Vocale, z.B. χρυσέην, was zweisylbig gesprochen etwa wie chrysjen klingt. Hauptsächlich gehören hierher die Fälle, wo i u. u zu Consonanten (j u …
5Synizēsis — (griech.), s. Synäresis …
6Synizesis — Synizēsis (grch.), s. Synäresis …
7Synizesis — Synizesis, s. Synäresis …
8Synizesis — Sy|ni|ze|se, Sy|ni|ze|sis, die; , ...zesen [spätlat. synizesis < griech. synízēsis, eigtl. = das Zusammenfallen] (antike Metrik): Verschmelzung zweier meist im Wortinnern nebeneinander liegender, zu verschiedenen Silben gehörender Vokale zu… …
9synizesis — noun Etymology: Late Latin, from Greek synizēsis, from synizein to sit down together, collapse, blend, from syn + hizein to sit down; akin to Latin sidere to sit down more at subside Date: 1846 contraction of two syllables into one by uniting in… …
10synizesis — /sin euh zee sis/, n. Phonet. the combination into one syllable of two vowels (or of a vowel and a diphthong) that do not form a diphthong. Also called synaeresis. [1840 50; < LL < Gk synízesis, equiv. to syn SYN + (h)iz (s. of hízein to SIT1) +… …