
  • 11gabble — v 1. jabber, clack, clatter, rattle, Sl. run off or on at the mouth; chatter, chitter, prattle, cackle; prate, twaddle, twattle; talk nonsense, Inf. talk through one s hat, blather, blab, gush, Inf. spout, drivel; gibber, Sl. gibber jabber,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 12hogwash — n 1. swill, slop, refuse, Dial. culch; garbage, waste, offal; dregs, remains, offscourings; leavings, sweepings, scraps, orts, leftovers; remainder, residue, residuum, scum, filth. 2. junk, worthless stuff, trumpery; trifles, trinkets,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 13nonsense — n 1. absurdity, absurdness, nonsensi calness, nonsensicality; ridiculousness, ridiculosity, ludicrousness; asininity, stupidity, fatuity, fatuousness; meaninglessness, self contradiction, contradiction, invalidity; incongruity, incongruousness,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 14poppycock — n 1. nonsense, falderal, gibberish, Jabberwocky; babble, babbling, babblement, Fr. bavardage; twaddle, twaddling, Both Brit. twattle, twattling; blather, blathering, drivel, driveling, drool, drooling; jargon, Sl. jive, Greek, Chiefly Southern… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 15prate — v 1. palaver, blab, bleat, Inf. gab; gush, Inf. spout, Sl. run off or on at the mouth; gossip, buzz, tell tales, repeat everything one hears; be loquacious or talkative, ramble, maunder. 2. babble, twaddle, Brit. twattle, blather, drivel; talk… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 16prattle — v 1. chatter, jabber, cackle, gibber, Sl. gibber jabber, jargon; babble, prate, tattle, twaddle, Brit. twattle; patter, gabble, blather, drivel. See prate(defs. 1,2). n 2. chatter, chattering, cackle, cackling, gibber, gibbering; babble, babbling …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 17rigmarole — n 1. nonsense, falderal, gibberish, babble, babbling, babblement, Fr. bavardage; twaddle, twaddling, Both Brit. twattle, twattling; blather, blathering, drivel, driveling, drool, drooling; jargon, Sl. jive, Greek, Chiefly Southern U.S. Choctaw;… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 18tattle — v 1. blab, blurt out, gush, Inf. spout; let slip, reveal, divulge secrets; tattletale, tell on, inform on, Inf. snitch on, Sl. squeal on, Sl. rat on, Sl. fink on. 2. gossip, tittle tattle, buzz, talk idly, Sl. shoot the breeze, Inf. gab, Sl. gas …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 19tommyrot — n 1. nonsense, falderal, gibberish, Jabberwocky; babble, babbling, babblement, Fr. bavardage; twaddle, twaddling, Both Brit. twattle, twattling; blather, blathering, drivel, driveling, drool, drooling; hocus pocus, mumbo jumbo, fiddle de dee;… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 20trumpery — n 1. rubbish, trash, riffraff, Brit. Dial. raff, litter, chaff; refuse, Dial. culch, garbage, waste, debris, detritus, rubble, wreckage; junk, worthless stuff, Sl. dreck; bits and pieces, odds and ends, fag ends, remnants; castoffs, rags, tatters …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder