upper ten

  • 1Upper ten — Upper Up per, a.; comp. of {Up}. Being further up, literally or figuratively; higher in place, position, rank, dignity, or the like; superior; as, the upper lip; the upper side of a thing; the upper house of a legislature. [1913 Webster] {The… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 2upper ten — noun or upper ten thousand : the members of the highest social class : upper class * * * upper ten (thousand) noun The richest or most influential class • • • Main Entry: ↑up * * * upper ten, works see …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 3Upper Ten — Up|per Ten 〈[ ʌ̣pə(r) tɛ̣n] Pl.; geh.〉 die oberen Zehntausend [<engl. upper ten (thousand) „die oberen Zehn(tausend)“] * * * Up|per|ten, (auch:) Up|per Ten [ ʌpə tɛn] <Pl.> [engl., gek. aus: upper ten thousand] (bildungsspr.): die oberen …


  • 4Upper Ten — Up|per Ten [ʌpə tɛn] die (Plur.) <aus gleichbed. engl. upper ten, gekürzt aus upper ten thousand> die oberen Zehntausend, Oberschicht …

    Das große Fremdwörterbuch

  • 5Upper ten — (the Upper ten) Bourgoisiet, det fine selskab …

    Danske encyklopædi

  • 6Upper ten thousand — Upper Up per, a.; comp. of {Up}. Being further up, literally or figuratively; higher in place, position, rank, dignity, or the like; superior; as, the upper lip; the upper side of a thing; the upper house of a legislature. [1913 Webster] {The… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 7Upper ten thousand — was a term used in the late 19th century to denote Britain s ruling elite; those rich and landed persons and families, titled and untitled, who were thought to control the vast majority of the country s political and financial system. This term… …


  • 8upper ten (thousand) — noun The richest or most influential class ● up …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 9upper ten thousand — noun see upper ten * * * upper ten (thousand) noun The richest or most influential class • • • Main Entry: ↑up …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 10upper ten — top ten, ten highest …

    English contemporary dictionary