
Linsey-woolsey Lin"sey-wool"sey, a. Made of linen and wool; hence, of different and unsuitable parts; mean. --Johnson. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • Linsey-woolsey — (less often, woolsey linsey or in Scottish English, wincey) is a coarse twill or plain woven fabric woven with a linen warp and a woolen weft. Similar fabrics woven with a cotton warp and woolen weft in Colonial America were also called linsey… …   Wikipedia

  • linsey-woolsey — [lin′zē wool′zē] n. pl. linsey woolseys [ME linsy wolsye < lin, linen (see LINE2) + wolle, WOOL + jingling suffix] 1. a coarse cloth made of linen and wool or cotton and wool: also linsey 2. Obs. an incongruous mixture; jumble …   English World dictionary

  • linsey-woolsey — late 15c., originally a cloth woven from LINEN (Cf. linen) and WOOL (Cf. wool); the words altered for the sake of a jingling sound. Linsey is attested from mid 15c., apparently meaning coarse linen fabric. Some sources suggest a connection or… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Linsey-woolsey — Lin sey wool sey (l[i^]n s[y^]*w[oo^]l s[y^]; 277), n. 1. Cloth made of linen and wool, mixed. [1913 Webster] 2. Jargon. [Obs.] Shak. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Linsey-Woolsey — Linsey Woolsey, ein aus England flammender Stoff zu Damenunterröcken; leinwandartig und sehr dicht gewebt aus baumwollener Kette und streichwollenem Schuß, nicht gewalkt und also auch nicht gerauht, aber ganz glatt geschoren, daher ohne Spur von… …   Lexikon der gesamten Technik

  • Linsey-woolsey — (engl., spr. linnßĕ wullßĕ), halbwollener, leinwandartiger, glatt geschorener Stoff zu Hauskleidern; entspricht dem deutschen Beiderwand …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • linsey-woolsey — /lin zee wool zee/, n., pl. linsey woolseys. 1. a coarse fabric woven from linen warp, or sometimes cotton, and coarse wool filling. 2. a garment made from this. 3. Archaic. any mixture that is incongruous or of poor quality; jumble: That last… …   Universalium

  • linsey-woolsey — [ˌlɪnzɪ wʊlzi] noun a strong, coarse fabric with a linen or cotton warp and a woollen weft. Origin C15: from linsey, orig. denoting a coarse linen fabric (prob. from Lindsey, a village in Suffolk) + wool + sey as a rhyming suffix …   English new terms dictionary

  • linsey-woolsey — /lɪnzi ˈwʊlzi/ (say linzee woolzee) noun (plural linsey woolseys) a coarse fabric woven from linen warp and coarse wool filling …  

  • linsey-woolsey — n. a fabric of coarse wool woven on a cotton warp. Etymology: ME f. linsey coarse linen, prob. f. Lindsey in Suffolk + WOOL, with jingling ending …   Useful english dictionary

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