
Livid Liv"id (l[i^]v"[i^]d), a. [L. lividus, from livere to be of a blush color, to be black and blue: cf. F. livide.] 1. Black and blue; grayish blue; of a lead color; discolored, as flesh may be from a contusion. --Cowper. [1913 Webster]

There followed no carbuncles, no purple or livid spots, the mass of the blood not being tainted. --Bacon. [1913 Webster]

2. Extremely angry; enraged; infuriated. [PJC]

3. Pallid; ashen; -- of the skin. [PJC]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • Livid — was an Australian alternative rock music festival, which was held annually from 1989 to 2003. The festival date was standardised as late October/early November since 1991 until 2003. While it has never been officially cancelled, no festivals have …   Wikipedia

  • LiViD — LiViD, short for Linux Video and DVD, was a collection of projects that aim to create program tools and software libraries related to DVD for Linux operating system.In 2002, LiViD project leader Matthew Pavlovich was sued by the DVD Copy Control… …   Wikipedia

  • livid — LIVÍD, Ă, livizi, de, adj. (Despre faţa omului) Vânăt, învineţit (de emoţie, de frig, de oboseală). ♦ fig. (Despre lumină) Slab, palid. – Din fr. livide, lat. lividus. Trimis de RACAI, 21.11.2003. Sursa: DEX 98  LIVÍD adj. învineţit, verde,… …   Dicționar Român

  • livid — [adj1] pale, ashen ashy, blanched, bloodless, colorless, discolored, dusky, gloomy, greyish, grisly, leaden, lurid, murky, pallid, pasty, wan, waxen; concept 618 Ant. blushing, brilliant, flushed, radiant, rosy livid [adj2] bruised black and blue …   New thesaurus

  • livid — early 15c., of a bluish leaden color, from M.Fr. livide and directly from L. lividus of a bluish color, black and blue, figuratively envious, spiteful, malicious, from livere be bluish, earlier *slivere, from PIE *sliwo , suffixed form of root *… …   Etymology dictionary

  • livid — The meaning that is more familiar today, ‘furiously angry’, is a recent one not recorded before the 20c. The earlier (17c) meaning, still in use, is ‘of a bluish leaden colour; discoloured by bruising’: • A huge, livid, recently healed scar ran… …   Modern English usage

  • livid — [liv′id] adj. [< Fr or L: Fr livide < L lividus, akin to livere, to be black and blue < IE * (s)līwos < base * (s)li , bluish > SLOE, OSlav sliva, plum] 1. discolored by a bruise; black and blue 2. grayish blue; lead colored:… …   English World dictionary

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  • livid —   [lateinisch], Medizin: bläulich, fahl (bezogen auf krankhafte Verfärbungen von Haut und Schleimhaut). * * * li|vid, li|vi|de <Adj.; ...der, ...deste> [lat. lividus = bläulich]: 1. (Med.) bläulich, blassblau, fahl (von Haut u.… …   Universal-Lexikon

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