- Loimic
- Loimic Loi"mic, a. [Gr. ?, fr. ? plague.] Of or pertaining to the plague or contagious disorders. [1913 Webster]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.
loimic — pertaining to plague, 1822, from Gk. loimikos, from loimos plague, pestilence … Etymology dictionary
loimic — loimic, a. (ˈlɔɪmɪk) [ad. Gr. λοιµικός, f. λοιµός plague.] Pertaining to the plague or to contagious disorders. in Brande Dict. Sci.; hence in mod. Dicts … Useful english dictionary
loimic — a. pertaining to plague. ♦ loimology, n. study of plague … Dictionary of difficult words
Alternaria mali — Taxobox name = Alternaria mali regnum = Fungi phylum = Ascomycota classis = Dothideomycetes subclassis = Pleosporomycetidae ordo = Pleosporales familia = Pleosporaceae genus = Alternaria species = A. mali binomial = Alternaria mali binomial… … Wikipedia
epiloimic — † epiˈloimic, a. Obs. 0 [f. epi + Gr. λοιµ ός pestilence + ic.] ‘Good against the Plague or Pestilence’ (Phillips 1678) … Useful english dictionary