Lucid — may refer to: * LUCID Detector (ATLAS Luminosity Monitor), a high energy physics detector * Lucid (programming language), a dataflow programming language * Lucid (software) [] is a software… … Wikipedia
lucid — LUCÍD, Ă, lucizi, de, adj. Care are o minte clară, pătrunzătoare, care este conştient de realitate, care înţelege şi exprimă clar lucrurile. ♦ (Adverbial) În deplinătatea facultăţilor mintale, conştient; raţional; treaz. – Din fr. lucide. Trimis… … Dicționar Român
Lucid — steht für: Lucid Lynx, eine 2010 erschienene Version der Linux Distribution Ubuntu die englische Form des Worts luzid, meist in Zusammenhang von Klarträumen verwendet Lucid ist der Name folgender Personen: Shannon Lucid (* 1943), US amerikanische … Deutsch Wikipedia
lucid — [adj1] evident, obvious apprehensible, clear, clear cut, comprehendible, comprehensible, crystal clear, distinct, explicit, fathomable, graspable, intelligible, knowable, limpid, luminous, pellucid, plain, translucent, transparent, transpicuous,… … New thesaurus
lucid — (adj.) 1590s, bright, shining, from L. lucidus light, bright, clear, figuratively perspicuous, lucid, clear, from lucere to shine, from lux (gen. lucis) light, from PIE root *leuk to shine, be bright (see LIGHT (Cf. light) (n.)). Sense of easy to … Etymology dictionary
lucid — [lo͞o′sid] adj. [L lucidus < lucere, to shine: see LIGHT1] 1. Old Poet. bright; shining 2. transparent 3. designating an interval of sanity in a mental disorder 4. clear to the mind; readily understood [lucid instructions] … English World dictionary
Lucīd — Lucīd, s. Luzid … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Lucid — Lucid, lat. dtsch., leuchtend, hell, klar; L.ität, Helle, Durchsichtigkeit … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
lucid — I adjective apparent, articulate, certain, clear, clear cut, clear minded, clear thinking, clear witted, clearheaded, comprehending, comprehensible, crystalline, diaphanous, discerning, discriminating, distinct, effulgent, evident, explicit,… … Law dictionary
lucid — 1 pellucid, *clear, transparent, translucent, diaphanous, limpid Analogous words: luminous, *bright, brilliant, lucent Contrasted words: murky, gloomy, dusky, *dark: *turbid, muddy 2 * … New Dictionary of Synonyms