
Mantilla Man*til"la, n. [Sp. See {Mantle}.] 1. A lady's light cloak of cape of silk, velvet, lace, or the like. [1913 Webster]

2. A kind of veil, covering the head and falling down upon the shoulders; -- worn in Spain, Mexico, etc. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • Mantilla —   [man tɪlja; spanisch, zu lateinisch mantellum »Hülle«, »Decke«], Mode: 1) die, / s, Schleier oder Spitzentuch der Spanierin, das Kopf und Schultern bedeckt. Die Mantilla wird seit dem Ende des 16. Jahrhunderts getragen, seit dem 18. Jahrhundert …   Universal-Lexikon

  • mantilla — type of large veil, 1717, from Sp. mantilla, dim. of manta (see MANTA (Cf. manta)) …   Etymology dictionary

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  • Mantilla — (span., spr. illja), Schleiertuch der span. Frauen, den Kopf und einen Teil des Gesichts verhüllend; danach Mantille, leichtes Frauenmäntelchen …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • mantilla — ► NOUN ▪ (in Spain) a lace or silk scarf worn by women over the hair and shoulders. ORIGIN Spanish, little mantle or shawl …   English terms dictionary

  • mantilla — [man til′ə, mantē′ə] n. [Sp, dim. of manta: see MANTA] 1. a woman s scarf, as of lace, worn over the hair and shoulders, as in Spain, Mexico, etc. 2. a short mantle, cape, or cloak …   English World dictionary

  • Mantilla — women wearing mantilla at the Semana Santa in Sevilla, Spain. A mantilla is a lace or silk veil or shawl worn over the head and shoulders, often over a high comb, popular with women in Spain.[1] It is particularl …   Wikipedia

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