Masoola boat — Ma*soo la boat A kind of boat used on the coast of Madras, India. The planks are sewed together with strands of coir which cross over a wadding of the same material, so that the shock on taking the beach through surf is much reduced. [Written… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
masula — Masoola boat Ma*soo la boat A kind of boat used on the coast of Madras, India. The planks are sewed together with strands of coir which cross over a wadding of the same material, so that the shock on taking the beach through surf is much reduced … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Masula boat — Masula boat, also known as masoola or masulah boat, is a kind of non rigid boat built without knees used on the coast of Madras (the present day city of Chennai), India, along with catamarans. Locally known as padagu or salangu among the fisher… … Wikipedia