Moringa aptera

Moringa aptera
Moringa Mo*rin"ga, prop. n. [Malayam murunggi.] (Bot.) A genus of trees of Southern India and Northern Africa. One species ({Moringa pterygosperma}) is the horse-radish tree, and its seeds, as well as those of {Moringa aptera}, are known in commerce as {ben} or {ben nuts}, and yield the oil called {oil of ben}. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • Moringa — Mo*rin ga, prop. n. [Malayam murunggi.] (Bot.) A genus of trees of Southern India and Northern Africa. One species ({Moringa pterygosperma}) is the horse radish tree, and its seeds, as well as those of {Moringa aptera}, are known in commerce as… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Moringa pterygosperma — Moringa Mo*rin ga, prop. n. [Malayam murunggi.] (Bot.) A genus of trees of Southern India and Northern Africa. One species ({Moringa pterygosperma}) is the horse radish tree, and its seeds, as well as those of {Moringa aptera}, are known in… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • ben — Moringa Mo*rin ga, prop. n. [Malayam murunggi.] (Bot.) A genus of trees of Southern India and Northern Africa. One species ({Moringa pterygosperma}) is the horse radish tree, and its seeds, as well as those of {Moringa aptera}, are known in… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • ben nuts — Moringa Mo*rin ga, prop. n. [Malayam murunggi.] (Bot.) A genus of trees of Southern India and Northern Africa. One species ({Moringa pterygosperma}) is the horse radish tree, and its seeds, as well as those of {Moringa aptera}, are known in… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • oil of ben — Moringa Mo*rin ga, prop. n. [Malayam murunggi.] (Bot.) A genus of trees of Southern India and Northern Africa. One species ({Moringa pterygosperma}) is the horse radish tree, and its seeds, as well as those of {Moringa aptera}, are known in… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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