Muggletonian — 1660s, member of the sect founded by English tailor Lodowicke Muggleton (1609 1698) … Etymology dictionary
Muggletonian — 1. noun A member of a small Protestant Christian sect most prominent in 17th and 18th century England. 2. adjective Of or pertaining to this sect or its followers … Wiktionary
Muggletonian — n. (Religion) member of an extinct sect founded by Lodovic Muggleton … English contemporary dictionary
muggletonian — mug·gle·to·nian … English syllables
muggletonian — |məgəl|tōnēən, nyən noun ( s) Usage: usually capitalized Etymology: Lodowicke Muggleton died 1698 English Puritan tailor, one of the founders + English an : one of a British sect identifying its two founders with the witnesses of Revelation 11:3… … Useful english dictionary
Muggletonianism — The Muggletonians, named after Lodowicke Muggleton, were a small Protestant Christian movement which began in 1651 when two London tailors announced they were the last prophets foretold in the biblical Book of Revelation. The group grew out of… … Wikipedia
Lodowicke Muggleton — Lodowicke Muggleton, by William Wood, circa 1674 Lodowicke Muggleton (1609–1698) was an English plebeian religious thinker, who gave his name to Muggletonianism. He spent his working life as a journeyman tailor in the City of London and was… … Wikipedia
English Dissenters — were Christians who separated from the Church of England. [^ The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church by F. L. Cross (Editor), E. A. Livingstone (Editor) Oxford University Press, USA; 3 edition p.490 (March 13, 1997) ] They opposed State… … Wikipedia
Laurence Clarkson — (1615–1667), sometimes called Claxton, was an English theologian and accused heretic. He was the most outspoken and notorious of the loose collection of radical protestants known as the Ranters.Clarkson s ideas are set out in a 1650 tract… … Wikipedia
John Reeve — (1608 1658) was an English prophet. In his book A Transcendent Spirituall Treatise (1652) he reported that on February the 3. 4. and 5. 1651 (the dates were afterward to be subject to some uncertainty): According to the book, God commanded Reeve… … Wikipedia