needs — originally an adverb meaning ‘of necessity, necessarily’, survives in the somewhat literary phrase needs must: • He can kill a pig. Probably with his bare hands, if needs must Observer Food monthly, 2004. The phrase alludes to the old proverb… … Modern English usage
needs — [nēdz] adv. [ME nedes < OE nedes, nydes < nied (see NEED) + s, gen. & adv. suffix] of necessity; necessarily: with must [he must needs obey] … English World dictionary
needs — (adv.) of necessity, necessarily, in archaic constructions involving must (late 14c.) is from O.E. nede, instrumental and genitive singular of nied (see NEED (Cf. need)), used as an adverb reinforcing must, hence the genitive ending … Etymology dictionary
needs — /nidz/ (say needz) phrase 1. needs must, (an expression indicating necessity): *bards, like birds, tho scant of words, needs must sing as nature taught em. –c.j. dennis, 1938. 2. needs must (when the Devil drives), Colloquial (an exclamation… …
needs — /needz/, adv. of necessity; necessarily (usually prec. or fol. by must): It must needs be so. It needs must be. [bef. 1000; ME nedis, OE nedes, orig. gen. of ned NEED; see S1] * * * … Universalium
needs — [[t]nidz[/t]] adv. of necessity; necessarily (usu. prec. or fol. by must): It must needs be so. It needs must be[/ex] • Etymology: bef. 1000; ME nedis, OE nēdes, orig. gen. of nēd need; see s I … From formal English to slang
needs — adverb Etymology: Middle English nedes, from Old English nēdes, from genitive of nēd need Date: before 12th century of necessity ; necessarily < must needs be recognized > … New Collegiate Dictionary
Needs — This surname recorded in the spellings of Noad, Noads, Node, Need and Needs, is one of the most unusual of habitational surnames. Its origin is Olde English pre 7th Century, and the derivation is from the ancient word ad or Yde which usually… … Surnames reference
needs — see needs must when the devil drives … Proverbs new dictionary
needs — adv. archaic (usu. prec. or foll. by must) of necessity (must needs decide). Etymology: OE nedes (as NEED, S(3)) … Useful english dictionary