
Nunatak Nu"na*tak, n.; pl. {-taks}(the pl. form {Nunatakker} is Swedish). [Eskimo nun[ae]ttak.] In Greenland, an insular hill or mountain surrounded by an ice sheet. [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • nunatak — [ nynatak ] n. m. • 1891; mot du Groenland ♦ Géogr. Pointe rocheuse émergeant d une calotte glaciaire. ● nunatak nom masculin (mot esquimau) Dans les régions d inlandsis, pointement rocheux dominant les glaces. ⇒NUNATAK, subst. masc. GÉOGR. Piton …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • nunatak — nunaták s. n. Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic  NUNATÁK s.n. (geol.) Pisc stâncos izolat din zona zăpezilor permanente, care străpunge calota de gheaţă. [< fr. nunatak < cuv. eschimos]. Trimis de LauraGellner,… …   Dicționar Român

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  • nunatak — [nun′ə tak΄, no͞o′nətak΄] n. [prob. via Dan < Esk] Geol. an isolated mountain peak protruding through glacial ice …   English World dictionary

  • Nunatak — For the band that played in Antarctica for Live Earth, see Nunatak (band). Starr Nunatak, on the coast of Victoria Land, Antarctica …   Wikipedia

  • Nunatak — Nunataks nahe der Ostküste Grönlands …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Nunatak —  Ne doit pas être confondu avec Pic pyramidal. Nunataks sur la côte orientale du Groenland Un nunatak (en groenlandais nunataq signifiant « montagne » …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Nunatak — Nunataks en la costa oeste groenlandesa. Un nunatak (inuktitut: pico solitario [nunattak] )? es un pico montañoso que emerge del territorio cubierto por un glaciar sin estar cubierto de hielo él mismo; el término ha sido …   Wikipedia Español

  • nunatak — /nun euh tak /, n. a hill or mountain that has been completely encircled by a glacier. [1875 80; < Inuit (West Greenlandic) nunataq] * * * ▪ geology       isolated mountain peak that once projected through a continental ice sheet or an Alpine… …   Universalium

  • nunatak — noun /ˈnʌnətæk,ˈnuːnətæk/ A mountain top or rocky element of a ridge that is surrounded by glacial ice but is not covered by ice; a peak protruding from the surface ice sheet. The peak in whose lee you have chosen to set up your command post is… …   Wiktionary

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