Observant — Ob*serv ant, a. [L. observans, anits, p. pr. of observare: cf. F. observant. See {Observe}.] 1. Taking notice; viewing or noticing attentively; watchful; carefully attentive; as, an observant spectator; observant habits. [1913 Webster] Wandering… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
observant — ⇒OBSERVANT, ANTE, part. prés., adj. et subst. I. Part. prés. de observer. II. Adjectif A. Qui est fidèle à l observance religieuse. Elle était d ailleurs devenue assez insensible, un peu inflexible, avec cette vie toute spirituelle qui s ajoutait … Encyclopédie Universelle
Observant — or observance may refer to: Making an observation Having observance of a holiday (public, religious, etc.) religious law or spiritual practice (worship, diet, taboo, etc.) Observant, Franciscan friar The Observants, one eyed ghosts in Danny… … Wikipedia
observant — (adj.) c.1600, from Fr. observant, pp. of observer (see OBSERVANCE (Cf. observance)). In reference to Judaism, from 1902. As a noun from late 15c. Related: Observantly; observantness … Etymology dictionary
observant — [əb zʉrv′ənt] adj. [Fr, prp. of observer,OBSERVE] 1. strict in observing, or keeping, a law, custom, duty, rule, etc.: often with of [observant of the rules of etiquette] 2. paying careful attention; keenly watchful 3. perceptive or alert 4.… … English World dictionary
observant — index alert (vigilant), circumspect, conscientious, conscious (aware), law abiding, obedient … Law dictionary
observant — [adj] alert, watchful advertent, alive, attentive, bright, clear sighted*, comprehending, considering, contemplating, correct, deducing, detecting, discerning, discovering, discriminating, eager, eagle eyed*, heedful, intelligent, intentive,… … New thesaurus
observant — ► ADJECTIVE 1) quick to notice things. 2) observing the rules of a religion … English terms dictionary
observant — [[t]əbzɜ͟ː(r)v(ə)nt[/t]] 1) ADJ GRADED Someone who is observant pays a lot of attention to things and notices more about them than most people do. That s a marvellous description, Mrs Drummond. You re unusually observant... An observant doctor… … English dictionary
observant — ob|ser|vant [əbˈzə:vənt US ə:r ] adj 1.) good or quick at noticing things ▪ a quiet and observant person ▪ Supervisors are trained to be observant. ▪ the writer s observant eye for detail 2.) obeying laws, religious rules etc ▪ observant Jews … Dictionary of contemporary English