ocelot — [ ɔs(ə)lo ] n. m. • 1765; ocelotl 1640, mot aztèque ♦ Mammifère carnivore (félidés), grand chat sauvage d Amérique à pelage roux tacheté de brun. ⇒ chat tigre . ♢ Fourrure de cet animal. Manteau d ocelot. ● ocelot nom masculin (espagnol ocelote,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
ocelot — OCELÓT, oceloţi, s.m. Mamifer carnivor din familia felidelor, răspândit în America de Sud, având blana gri cu puncte roşcate, foarte apreciată (Felix sau Leopardus pardalis). – Din fr. ocelot. Trimis de tavilis, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 ocelót … Dicționar Român
ocelot — (n.) large wildcat of Central and South America, 1775, from Fr. ocelot, a word formed by French naturalist Georges Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon (1707 1788), from Nahuatl ocelotl jaguar (in full tlalocelotl, a compound formed with tlalli field ) … Etymology dictionary
ocelot — [äs′ə lət, äs′əlät΄; ō′sə ət, ō′səlät΄] n. pl. ocelots or ocelot [Fr, use (by BUFFON) of Nahuatl o∶se∶lo∶λ, jaguar] any of various wild, spotted cats of North and South America; esp., a large species (Leopardus pardalis) with a yellow or gray… … English World dictionary
Ocelot — (Ocelotl, Mbaracaya, Felis pardalis), Art aus der Gattung Katze, Abtheilung Pardel; hat auf rothgraulichem Grunde lange, falbe, schwarz gesäumte Flecken, welche an den Seiten bes. lang sind; Hals u. Bauch weiß, schwarzstreifig; lebt in Südamerika … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
ocelot — /fr. ɔs(J)&lo/ V. ozelot … Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione
ocelot — ocèlot m DEFINICIJA 1. zool. zvijer (Felis ili Panthera pardus) iz porodice mačaka, živi u Južnoj i Srednjoj Americi; ozelot 2. meton. cijenjeno krzno te životinje ETIMOLOGIJA njem. Ozelot ≃ nahuatl tlalocelotl ≃ tlalli: polje + ocelotl: tigar,… … Hrvatski jezični portal
ocelot — {{/stl 13}}{{stl 8}}rz. mż I, Mc. ocelotocie {{/stl 8}}{{stl 7}} amerykański kot drapieżny, brunatnoszary w liczne nieregularne czarne plamy i pręgi; ceniony ze względu na futro <fr. z azteckiego> {{/stl 7}} … Langenscheidt Polski wyjaśnień
ocelot — ► NOUN ▪ a medium sized striped and spotted wild cat, native to South and Central America. ORIGIN French, from a Nahuatl word meaning field tiger … English terms dictionary
Ocelot — For other uses, see Ocelot (disambiguation). Ocelot[1] Conservation status … Wikipedia