- one-upmanship
- one-upmanship one-upmanship n. The attitude or practice of trying to keep one step ahead of a friend or competitor; vigorous competitiveness. [WordNet 1.5 +PJC]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.
One-upmanship — is the art or practice of successively outdoing a competitor. The term originated as the title of a book by Stephen Potter, published in 1952[1] as a follow up to The Theory and Practice of Gamesmanship (or the Art of Winning Games without… … Wikipedia
one-upmanship — [wun up′mən ship΄] n. [ ONE UP + (GAMES)MANSHIP] Informal the practice of, or skill in, seizing an advantage or gaining superiority over others … English World dictionary
one-upmanship — ► NOUN informal ▪ the technique of gaining an advantage or feeling of superiority over someone else … English terms dictionary
one-upmanship — {v.}, {informal} Always keeping ahead of others; trying to keep an advantage. * /No matter what I do, I find that Jim has already done it better. He s an expert at one upmanship./ * /Jack took the news to the principal while we were still talking … Dictionary of American idioms
one-upmanship — {v.}, {informal} Always keeping ahead of others; trying to keep an advantage. * /No matter what I do, I find that Jim has already done it better. He s an expert at one upmanship./ * /Jack took the news to the principal while we were still talking … Dictionary of American idioms
one-upmanship — v informal Always keeping ahead of others; trying to keep an advantage. No matter what I do, I find that Jim has already done it better. He s an expert at one upmanship. Jack took the news to the principal while we were still talking about it. He … Словарь американских идиом
one-upmanship — [[t]wʌ̱n ʌ̱pmənʃɪp[/t]] N UNCOUNT: oft supp N (disapproval) If you refer to someone s behaviour as one upmanship, you disapprove of them trying to make other people feel inferior in order to make themselves appear more important. It was the… … English dictionary
one-upmanship — /wun up meuhn ship /, n. the art or practice of achieving, demonstrating, or assuming superiority in one s rivalry with a friend or opponent by obtaining privilege, status, status symbols, etc.: the one upmanship of getting into the president s… … Universalium
one-upmanship — noun the practice of keeping one jump ahead of a friend or competitor (Freq. 1) • Hypernyms: ↑practice, ↑pattern * * * one upmanship [one upmanship] [wʌnˈʌpmənʃɪp] [wʌnˈʌpmənʃɪp] … Useful english dictionary
one-upmanship — noun a) The art or practice of successively outdoing a competitor. They are bent on one upmanship. I think its hopeless to try to stop them. b) A succession of instances of outdoing a competitor. He always engaged in one upmanship … Wiktionary