
Orang-outang O*rang"-ou*tang`, Orang-utan O*rang"-u*tan`, n. [Malayan [=o]rang [=u]tan, i. e., man of the woods; [=o]rang man + [=u]tan a forest, wood, wild, savage.] (Zo["o]l.) An arboreal anthropoid ape ({Pongo pygmaeus}, formerly {Simia satyrus}), which inhabits Borneo and Sumatra. Often called simply {orang}. It is now an endangered species. [Written also {orangutan}, {orangutang}, {orang-utan}, {ourang-utang}, and {oran-utan}.] [1913 Webster +PJC]

Note: It is over four feet high, when full grown, and has very long arms, which reach nearly or quite to the ground when the body is erect. Its color is reddish brown. In structure, it closely resembles man in many respects. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • orangutan — ORANGUTÁN s.m. v. urangutan. Trimis de ana zecheru, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98  ORANGUTÁN s.m. v. urangutan. Trimis de LauraGellner, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DN …   Dicționar Român

  • orangutan — orangùtān m DEFINICIJA 1. zool. uskonosni čovjekoliki majmun (Pongo pygmaeus), biljožder 2. razg. pejor. glup, neskladan čovjek ETIMOLOGIJA mal. orangutan: šumski čovjek …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • orangùtān — m 1. {{001f}}zool. uskonosni čovjekoliki majmun (Pongo pygmaeus), biljožder 2. {{001f}}razg. pejor. glup, neskladan čovjek ✧ {{001f}}mal …   Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika

  • orangutan — (n.) 1690s, from Du. orang outang, from Malay orang utan, lit. man of the woods, from orang man + utan, hutan forest, wild. It is possible that the word originally was used by town dwellers on Java to describe savage forest tribes of the Sunda… …   Etymology dictionary

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  • orangután — sustantivo masculino 1. (macho y hembra) Área: zoología Pongo pygmaeus. Mamífero primate de gran tamaño, de cabeza alargada, con un abultamiento debajo de la boca en los machos, cuerpo robusto y miembros anteriores mucho más largos que los… …   Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española

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  • orangutan — [ō raŋ′o͞otaŋ΄; ô raŋ′o͞otaŋ΄, ə raŋ′o͞otaŋ΄; ō raŋ′ətaŋ΄, ô raŋ′ətaŋ΄, ə raŋ′ətaŋ΄ô raŋ′oo tan΄] n. [Malay oraṅ utan, lit., man of the forest < oraṅ, man + utan, forest, term for savage tribes: first applied to the ape by Europeans] a great… …   English World dictionary

  • Orangutan — This article is about the primate. For other uses, see Orangutan (disambiguation). Orangutans[1] …   Wikipedia

  • orangutan — /aw rang oo tan , oh rang , euh rang /, n. a large, long armed anthropoid ape, Pongo pygmaeus, of arboreal habits, inhabiting Borneo and Sumatra: an endangered species. Also, orang utan, orangutang, orang outang /aw rang oo tang , oh rang , euh… …   Universalium

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