Panicum barbinode Trin. — Symbol URMU Synonym Symbol PABA6 Botanical Family Poaceae … Scientific plant list
Panicum molle — Para grass Pa*ra grass , Par a grass Par[ a] grass (a) (Bot.) A tall rather coarse grass ({Panicum molle} formerly {Panicum barbinode}) grown in the tropics for pasturage, and introduced into the southern United States from Brazilas a valuable… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Par'a grass — Para grass Pa*ra grass , Par a grass Par[ a] grass (a) (Bot.) A tall rather coarse grass ({Panicum molle} formerly {Panicum barbinode}) grown in the tropics for pasturage, and introduced into the southern United States from Brazilas a valuable… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Para grass — Pa*ra grass , Par a grass Par[ a] grass (a) (Bot.) A tall rather coarse grass ({Panicum molle} formerly {Panicum barbinode}) grown in the tropics for pasturage, and introduced into the southern United States from Brazilas a valuable pasture grass … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Chilo suppressalis — Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Arthropoda Class: Inse … Wikipedia
Flora of Ohio — This list includes plants native and introduced to the state of Ohio, designated (N) and (I), respectively. Varieties and subspecies link to their parent species. A * Abies balsamea var. balsamea (N) * Abutilon theophrasti (I) * Acalypha deamii… … Wikipedia
BRACHIARIA MUTICA (FORSK.) STAPF - ВЕТВЯНКА ТУПАЯ, ПАРАГРАС — см. 42. < > Многолетнее растение. В. mutica (Forsk.) Stapf В. тупая, Параграс in Prain, Fl. Trop. Afr. IX (1919) 526. Burkill (1935) 388. Whyte (1957) 346. S у n. Panicum muticum Forsk.; P. purpurascens Raddi (Hitchcock, 1935, 661, 911, L; 1936,… … Справочник растений