
Parallel Par"al*lel, a. [F. parall[`e]le, L. parallelus, fr. Gr. ?; para` beside + ? of one another, fr. ? other, akin to L. alius. See {Alien}.] 1. (Geom.) Extended in the same direction, and in all parts equally distant; as, parallel lines; parallel planes. [1913 Webster]

Revolutions . . . parallel to the equinoctial. --Hakluyt. [1913 Webster]

Note: Curved lines or curved planes are said to be parallel when they are in all parts equally distant. [1913 Webster]

2. Having the same direction or tendency; running side by side; being in accordance (with); tending to the same result; -- used with to and with. [1913 Webster]

When honor runs parallel with the laws of God and our country, it can not be too much cherished. --Addison. [1913 Webster]

3. Continuing a resemblance through many particulars; applicable in all essential parts; like; similar; as, a parallel case; a parallel passage. --Addison. [1913 Webster]

{Parallel bar}. (a) (Steam Eng.) A rod in a parallel motion which is parallel with the working beam. (b) One of a pair of bars raised about five feet above the floor or ground, and parallel to each other, -- used for gymnastic exercises.

{Parallel circles of a sphere}, those circles of the sphere whose planes are parallel to each other.

{Parallel columns}, or {Parallels} (Printing), two or more passages of reading matter printed side by side, for the purpose of emphasizing the similarity or discrepancy between them.

{Parallel forces} (Mech.), forces which act in directions parallel to each other.

{Parallel motion}. (a) (Mach.) A jointed system of links, rods, or bars, by which the motion of a reciprocating piece, as a piston rod, may be guided, either approximately or exactly in a straight line. --Rankine. (b) (Mus.) The ascending or descending of two or more parts at fixed intervals, as thirds or sixths.

{Parallel rod} (Locomotive Eng.), a metal rod that connects the crank pins of two or more driving wheels; -- called also {couping rod}, in distinction from the connecting rod. See Illust. of {Locomotive}, in App. -- {Parallel ruler}, an instrument for drawing parallel lines, so constructed as to have the successive positions of the ruling edge parallel to each other; also, one consisting of two movable parts, the opposite edges of which are always parallel.

{Parallel sailing} (Naut.), sailing on a parallel of latitude.

{Parallel sphere} (Astron. & Geog.), that position of the sphere in which the circles of daily motion are parallel to the horizon, as to an observer at either pole.

{Parallel vise}, a vise having jaws so guided as to remain parallel in all positions. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • Parallel — may refer to: Mathematics and science * Parallel (geometry) * Parallel (latitude), an imaginary east west line circling a globe Proper name * Parallel (manga), a shōnen manga by Toshihiko Kobayashi * Parallel (video), a video album by R.E.M. *… …   Wikipedia

  • Parallel — Par al*lel, n. 1. A line which, throughout its whole extent, is equidistant from another line; a parallel line, a parallel plane, etc. [1913 Webster] Who made the spider parallels design, Sure as De Moivre, without rule or line ? Pope. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • parallel — [par′ə lel΄, par′ələl] adj. [Fr parallèle < L parallelus < Gr parallēlos < para , side by side (see PARA 1) + allēlos, one another < allos, other: see ELSE] 1. extending in the same direction and at the same distance apart at every… …   English World dictionary

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  • parallel# — parallel adj *like, alike, similar, analogous, comparable, akin, uniform, identical Analogous words: *same, identical, equal, equivalent: corresponding, correlative (see RECIPROCAL) parallel n 1 Comparison, contrast, antithesis, collation… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • parallel — ► ADJECTIVE 1) (of lines, planes, or surfaces) side by side and having the same distance continuously between them. 2) occurring or existing at the same time or in a similar way; corresponding: a parallel universe. 3) Computing involving the… …   English terms dictionary

  • Parallel — Par al*lel, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Paralleled}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Paralleling}.] 1. To place or set so as to be parallel; to place so as to be parallel to, or to conform in direction with, something else. [1913 Webster] The needle . . . doth… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • parallel — Adj std. (16. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus l. parallēlos, parallēlus, dieses aus gr. parállēlos nebeneinander , zu gr. allḗlōn einander und gr. para . Abstraktum: Parallele.    Ebenso nndl. parallel, ne. parallel, nfrz. parallèl, nschw. parallel …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

  • Parallel I/O — Parallel I/O, in the context of a computer, means the performance of multiple I/O operations at the same time. It is a common feature of operating systems.One particular instance is parallel writing of data to disk; when file data is sperad… …   Wikipedia

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