
partial par"tial (p[aum]r"shal), a. [F., fr. LL. partials, fr. L. pars, gen. partis, a part; cf. (for sense 1) F. partiel. See {Part}, n.] 1. Of, pertaining to, or affecting, a part only; not general or universal; not total or entire; as, a partial eclipse of the moon. ``Partial dissolutions of the earth.'' --T. Burnet. [1913 Webster]

2. Inclined to favor one party in a cause, or one side of a question, more then the other; biased; not indifferent; as, a judge should not be partial. [1913 Webster]

Ye have been partial in the law. --Mal. ii. 9. [1913 Webster]

3. Having a predilection for; inclined to favor unreasonably; foolishly fond. ``A partial parent.'' --Pope. [1913 Webster]

Not partial to an ostentatious display. --Sir W. Scott. [1913 Webster]

4. (Bot.) Pertaining to a subordinate portion; as, a compound umbel is made up of a several partial umbels; a leaflet is often supported by a partial petiole. [1913 Webster]

{Partial differentials}, {Partial differential coefficients}, {Partial differentiation}, etc. (of a function of two or more variables), the differentials, differential coefficients, differentiation etc., of the function, upon the hypothesis that some of the variables are for the time constant.

{Partial fractions} (Alg.), fractions whose sum equals a given fraction.

{Partial tones} (Music), the simple tones which in combination form an ordinary tone; the overtones, or harmonics, which, blending with a fundamental tone, cause its special quality of sound, or timbre, or tone color. See, also, {Tone}. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • partial — partial, iale, iaux [ parsjal, jo ] adj. • 1540; parcial « personne attachée à un parti » 1370; lat. médiév. partialis, de pars « 1. part » ♦ Qui prend parti pour ou contre qqn ou qqch., sans souci de justice ni de vérité, qui a du parti pris. «… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • partial — I (biased) adjective bigoted, cupidus, discriminatory, favorably disposed, inclined, influenced, iniquus, interested, jaundiced, narrow minded, one sided, partisan, predisposed, prejudiced, prepossessed, prone, restricted, studiosus, subjective,… …   Law dictionary

  • partial — partial, ale (par si al, a l ) adj. 1°   Qui s attache à un parti (sens inusité aujourd hui). •   Ce tyran [Aristippe d Argos] étant tombé sur lui [Aratus], ceux d Argos, comme si ce n eût pas été pour leur liberté qu Aratus eût combattu.... se… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • Partial — may refer to:*partial derivative, in mathematics *partial function, in mathematics *partial algorithm, in computer science *part score, in contract bridge *partial wave, in acoustics …   Wikipedia

  • partial — [pär′shəl] adj. [ME parcial < MFr partial < LL partialis < L pars,PART1] 1. favoring one person, faction, etc. more than another; biased; prejudiced 2. of, being, or affecting only a part; not complete or total n. 1. PARTIAL TONE …   English World dictionary

  • partial to — liking something or someone very much and usually more than other things or people I like all the food here, but I m particularly partial to the fried chicken. She says she s partial to tall men with dark hair. I m not partial to red wine. [=I d …   Useful english dictionary

  • partial — Partial, [parti]ale. adj. Qui se declare pour les interests d une personne, par preference à une autre. Vous n estes pas croyable, vous estes partial. il est trop partial …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • partial — (adj.) early 15c., one sided, biased, from O.Fr. parcial (14c.), from M.L. partialis divisible, solitary, partial, from L. pars (gen. partis) part (see PART (Cf. part) (n.)). Sense of not whole, incomplete is attested from mid 15c. (implied in… …   Etymology dictionary

  • partial — [adj1] incomplete fractional, fragmentary, half done, halfway, imperfect, limited, part, sectional, uncompleted, unfinished, unperformed; concept 531 Ant. complete, entire, total, whole partial [adj2] biased, prejudiced colored, discriminatory,… …   New thesaurus

  • partial — ► ADJECTIVE 1) existing only in part; incomplete. 2) favouring one side in a dispute above the other; biased. 3) (partial to) having a liking for. DERIVATIVES partiality noun partially adverb …   English terms dictionary

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