percept — [ pɛrsɛpt ] n. m. • 1878; lat. perceptum, d apr. concept ♦ Philos. Objet de la perception, sans référence à une chose en soi (opposé à concept). ● percept nom masculin (anglais percept) Entité cognitive, constituée d un ensemble d informations… … Encyclopédie Universelle
percept — pèrcept (percȅpt) m <G mn pātā> DEFINICIJA psih. ono što je percipirano, rezultat percepcije, doživljaj nastao procesom percepcije (podrazumijeva iskustveni pojam) ETIMOLOGIJA vidi percipirati … Hrvatski jezični portal
percept — index concept, idea Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
percept — percépt s. n., pl. percépte Trimis de siveco, 29.05.2007. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic … Dicționar Român
percept — (n.) 1837, from L. perceptum (a thing) perceived, neuter pp. of percipere (see PERCEIVE (Cf. perceive)). Formed on model of CONCEPT (Cf. concept) … Etymology dictionary
percept — sense datum, sensum, *sensation, image Analogous words: *idea, concept, notion: recognition, acknowledgment (see corresponding verbs at ACKNOWLEDGE) … New Dictionary of Synonyms
percept — [pʉr′sept΄] n. [back form. (after CONCEPT) < PERCEPTION] a recognizable sensation or impression received by the mind through the senses … English World dictionary
Percept — A perception is a philosophical term which roughly means an individual s observation/perception of something external to one s self; more specifically, the resultant of perceiving. It is the representation of an external event that affected the… … Wikipedia
Percept — Un percept est la forme perçue d un stimulus externe ou de son absence. Le terme est principalement utilisé en philosophie et en psychologie comme un sense data (en) pour expliquer la perception. Il est important de distinguer le percept du… … Wikipédia en Français
percept — noun /ˈpəːsɛpt/ a) Something perceived; the object of perception. Whether it might not, in like manner, be proper to introduce the term percept for the object of perception, I shall not at present inquire. b) A perceived object as it exists in… … Wiktionary