
Petty Pet"ty, a. [Compar. {Pettier}; superl. {Pettiest}.] [OE. petit, F. petit; probably of Celtic origin, and akin to E. piece. Cf. {Petit}.] Little; trifling; inconsiderable; also, inferior; subordinate; as, a petty fault; a petty prince. --Denham. [1913 Webster]

Like a petty god I walked about, admired of all. --Milton. [1913 Webster]

{Petty averages}. See under {Average}.

{Petty cash}, money expended or received in small items or amounts.

{Petty officer}, a subofficer in the navy, as a gunner, etc., corresponding to a noncommissionned officer in the army. [1913 Webster]

Note: For petty constable, petty jury, petty larceny, petty treason, See {Petit}. [1913 Webster]

Syn: Little; diminutive; inconsiderable; inferior; trifling; trivial; unimportant; frivolous. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • Petty — can refer to one of the following People* Adam Petty (1980–2000), American race car driver and son of Kyle Petty * Bruce Petty (born 1929), Australian political satirist and cartoonist * Dini Petty (born 1945), Canadian television and radio host… …   Wikipedia

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  • PETTY (W.) — PETTY sir WILLIAM (1623 1687) Tour à tour marin, chirurgien, membre du Parlement, homme public et homme d’affaires, sir William Petty est surtout connu pour ses écrits économiques. L’ensemble de son œuvre permet de le situer comme l’un des plus… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • petty — pet·ty / pe tē/ adj: relatively minor in degree a petty offense punishable by not more than six months in prison compare grand Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 …   Law dictionary

  • petty — late 14c., small, from O.Fr. petit small (see PETIT (Cf. petit)). In English, not originally disparaging (Cf. petty cash, 1834; petty officer, 1570s). Meaning of small importance is recorded from 1520s; that of small minded is from 1580s. An old… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Petty —   [ petɪ], Sir (seit 1662) William, britischer Volkswirtschaftler und Statistiker, * Romsey 26. 5. 1623, ✝ London 16. 12. 1687; ursprünglich Physiker und Arzt, später u. a. Sekretär O. Cromwells und Mitbegründer der Royal Society. Petty gilt als… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Petty — Petty, Sir William, engl. Volkswirt, geb. 26. Mai 1623 in Rompy bei London, seit 1652 Generalarzt der Armee von Irland, Mitbegründer der Royal Society, starb 16. Dez. 1687 in London; ein Vorgänger von Adam Smith, schrieb: »Treatise of taxes and… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

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