Awkward squad
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Awkward Squad — The phrase Awkward Squad is used usually to refer to any grouping of individuals, normally within an existing organisation or structure, who wittingly or otherwise associate together to resist or obstruct change and are possibly stubborn in doing … Wikipedia
awkward squad — noun : a group of inept recruits undergoing special drill * * * awkward squad 1. A group, esp within a political party, that is inclined to be rebellious 2. Orig a body of recruits not yet competent in drill, etc • • • Main Entry: ↑squad … Useful english dictionary
awkward squad — inept unit, bungling group … English contemporary dictionary
awkward squad — 1. Untrained recruits. 2. Uncooperative people … A concise dictionary of English slang
awkward — /ˈɔkwəd / (say awkwuhd) adjective 1. lacking dexterity or skill; clumsy; bungling. 2. ungraceful; ungainly; uncouth: awkward gestures. 3. ill adapted for use or handling; unhandy: an awkward method. 4. requiring caution; somewhat hazardous: there …
squad — n. 1 a small group of people sharing a task etc. 2 Mil. a small number of men assembled for drill etc. 3 Sport a group of players forming a team. 4 a (often in comb.) a specialized unit within a police force (drug squad). b = flying squad. 5 a… … Useful english dictionary
Advanced Squad Leader — Infobox Game title = Advanced Squad Leader subtitle = image link = image caption = Advanced Squad Leader 2nd Edition Rulebook designer = Don Greenwood manufacturer = publisher = Avalon Hill Multi Man Publishing illustrator = years = 1985 present… … Wikipedia
Mutant Girls Squad — Directed by Noboru Iguchi Yoshihiro Nishimura Tak Sakaguchi Produced by … Wikipedia
Paul Mackney — (b. March 25, 1950) is a British educator and trade union leader. From 1997 to 2006, he was General Secretary of the National Association of Teachers in Further and Higher Education (NATFHE). NATFHE merged with the Association of University… … Wikipedia
Eric Forth — The Right Honourable Eric Forth Shadow Leader of the House of Commons In office 18 September 2001 – 11 November 2003 Leader Iain Duncan Smith Preceded by Angela Browning … Wikipedia