Peyer's patches — are secondary lymphoid tissue, named after the 17th century Swiss anatomist Johann Conrad Peyer. They are aggregations of lymphoid tissue that are usually found in the lowest portion of the small intestine (ileum) in humans; as such, they… … Wikipedia
Peyer's patches — oval masses of lymphoid tissue on the mucous membrane lining the small intestine. J. C. Peyer (1653 1712), Swiss anatomist … Medical dictionary
Peyer's patches — oval masses of lymphoid tissue on the mucous membrane lining the small intestine. [C. Peyer (1653–1712), Swiss anatomist] … The new mediacal dictionary
Peyer's patches — Lymphoid organs located in the submucosal tissue of the mammalian gut containing very high proportions of IgA secreting precursor cells. The patches have B and T dependent regions and germinal centres. A specialized epithelium lies between the… … Dictionary of molecular biology
Peyer's patches — noun Patches of lymphoid tissue or lymphoid nodules on the walls of the ileal small intestine … Wiktionary
Peyer's patches — … Useful english dictionary
Peyer's glands — Pey er s glands [So called from J. K. Peyer, who described them in 1677.] (Anat.) Patches of lymphoid nodules, in the walls of the small intestiness; agminated glands; called also {Peyer s patches}. In typhoid fever they become the seat of ulcers … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Peyer patch — ▪ anatomy any of the nodules of lymphatic cells that aggregate to form bundles or patches and occur usually only in the lowest portion (ileum) of the small intestine; they are named for the 17th century Swiss anatomist Hans Conrad Peyer.… … Universalium
Peyer's patch — Pey·er s patch pī ərz n any of numerous large oval patches of closely aggregated nodules of lymphoid tissue in the walls of the small intestine esp. in the ileum that partially or entirely disappear in advanced life and in typhoid fever become… … Medical dictionary
Peyer patches (glands plaques) — Pey·er (patches (glands, plaques) (piґər) [Johann Conrad Peyer, Swiss anatomist, 1653–1712] noduli lymphoidei aggregati intestini tenuis … Medical dictionary