pipped (up) — mod. alcohol intoxicated. □ I’m not drunk. Just a little pipped up. □ She’s pipped and ready to get sick … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
pipped at the post — Defeated at the point when success seemed certain, or at the last moment • • • Main Entry: ↑pip … Useful english dictionary
pipped, pipping — verb (T) BrE informal 1 pip sb at the post to beat someone at the last moment in a race, competition etc, when they were expecting to win: I nearly got the job, but was pipped at the post by the other candidate. 2 to beat someone in a race,… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
pipped — pɪp n. stone, pit, seed; kernel; chirp, peep, sound made by a bird v. (Slang) win, be victorious; defeat, beat; fail, be unsuccessful; cause failure, make unsuccessful … English contemporary dictionary
pipped — ˈpipt adjective Etymology: pip (I) + ed 1. : suffering from the pip 2. slang : intoxicated … Useful english dictionary
pipped at the post — Narrowly beaten … A concise dictionary of English slang
be pipped at the post — be pipped at/to the post British & Australian 1. to be beaten in a competition or race by a very small amount. I d have won quite a lot of money but my horse was pipped at the post. (British & Australian) 2. to be beaten in a competition or race… … New idioms dictionary
be pipped to the post — be pipped at/to the post British & Australian 1. to be beaten in a competition or race by a very small amount. I d have won quite a lot of money but my horse was pipped at the post. (British & Australian) 2. to be beaten in a competition or race… … New idioms dictionary
pip — [[t]pɪ̱p[/t]] pips, pipping, pipped 1) N COUNT: usu pl Pips are the small hard seeds in a fruit such as an apple, orange, or pear. 2) VERB If someone is pipped to something such as a prize or an award, they are defeated by only a small amount.… … English dictionary
pip — I. /pɪp / (say pip) noun 1. one of the spots on dice, playing cards, or dominoes. 2. each of the small segments into which the surface of a pineapple is divided. 3. Military Colloquial a badge of rank worn on the shoulders of certain commissioned …