Piscidia erythrina

Piscidia erythrina
Dogwood Dog"wood` (-w[oo^]d`), n. [So named from skewers (dags) being made of it. --Dr. Prior. See {Dag}, and {Dagger}.] (Bot.) The {Cornus}, a genus of large shrubs or small trees, the wood of which is exceedingly hard, and serviceable for many purposes. [1913 Webster]

Note: There are several species, one of which, {Cornus mascula}, called also {cornelian cherry}, bears a red acid berry. {Cornus florida} is the flowering dogwood, a small American tree with very showy blossoms. [1913 Webster]

{Dogwood tree}. (a) The dogwood or {Cornus}. (b) A papilionaceous tree ({Piscidia erythrina}) growing in Jamaica. It has narcotic properties; -- called also {Jamaica dogwood}. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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