- Pistel
- Pistel Pis"tel, Pistil Pis"til, n. An epistle. [Obs.] [1913 Webster]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.
pistel — pistel, ell, elle etc., var. ff. pistle, etc. Obs … Useful english dictionary
pistel — see pistol … Old to modern English dictionary
pistel — pistol … English homophone dictionary
Mark Pistel — is a producer, engineer, programmer, remixer and song writer, who has been working in the genres of Electronic music, Experimental music, Break Beat, Hip Hop, and Dance, since 1988. Pistel works out of the San Francisco recording studio called… … Wikipedia
Philippe Pistel — fut un écrivain français du XVIIesiècle. Philippe Pistel était originaire de Champtoceaux en Anjou[1]. Il vécut dans la communauté des protestants de Saumur. Il est l auteur du Tombeau des Yvrongnes, ouvrage rédigé en parler angevin, dont l… … Wikipédia en Français
Pistil — Pistel Pis tel, Pistil Pis til, n. An epistle. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Consolidated (band) — Consolidated playing in Sweden in 1993 Consolidated was an American radical activist recording and performing group, formed in 1988 and best known in the early 1990s as an alternative dance/industrial music band. They were distinguished by left… … Wikipedia
Off-Centre — EP by Meat Beat Manifesto Released 2005 October 25 … Wikipedia
L'Ame-Stram-Gram — L Âme Stram Gram L Âme Stram Gram Single par Mylène Farmer extrait de l’album Innamoramento Face A L Âme Stram Gram (Single Version) Face B L Âme Stram Gram (L.A. Instrumental) Sortie 9 mars 1999 … Wikipédia en Français
L'Âme-Stram-Gram (chanson) — L Âme Stram Gram L Âme Stram Gram Single par Mylène Farmer extrait de l’album Innamoramento Face A L Âme Stram Gram (Single Version) Face B L Âme Stram Gram (L.A. Instrumental) Sortie 9 mars 1999 … Wikipédia en Français