pitch and pay — (Shakespeare) To pay ready money • • • Main Entry: ↑pitch … Useful english dictionary
Pitch — Pitch, v. i. 1. To fix or place a tent or temporary habitation; to encamp. Laban with his brethren pitched in the Mount of Gilead. Gen. xxxi. 25. [1913 Webster] 2. To light; to settle; to come to rest from flight. [1913 Webster] The tree whereon… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Pitch (card game) — Pitch Origin United States Alternative name(s) Setback, Auction Pitch, Bid Pitch, Smear Type Trick taking Players 2 7 (4 best) Cards 52 Deck Anglo American … Wikipedia
Pitch invasion — A pitch invasion, known as rushing the field in the United States, occurs when a crowd of people who are watching a sports game run onto the field, to celebrate or protest about an incident, for example in games of football or cricket. Rugby… … Wikipedia
pitch — pitch1 W3 [pıtʃ] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(sports field)¦ 2¦(strong feelings/activity)¦ 3¦(music)¦ 4¦(persuading)¦ 5¦(baseball)¦ 6¦(black substance)¦ 7¦(ship/aircraft)¦ 8¦(slope)¦ 9¦(street/market)¦ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [Sense: 1 … Dictionary of contemporary English
pay — I. /peɪ / (say pay) verb (paid, paying) –verb (t) 1. to discharge (a debt, obligation, etc.), as by giving or doing something. 2. to give (money, etc.) as in discharge of debt or obligation. 3. to satisfy the claims of (a person, etc.) as by… …
pay — pay1 [pā] vt. paid or [Obs.] (except in phrase PAY OUT, sense 2)Obs. payed, paying [ME paien, to pay, satisfy < OFr paier < L pacare, to pacify < pax,PEACE] 1. to give to (a person) what is due, as for goods received, services rendered,… … English World dictionary
Pay|nim — or Pay|nim «PAY nihm», noun, adjective. Archaic. –n. 1. a pagan; heathen. 2. a Muslim; Saracen: »... the crusader, who had sunk thirty thousand paynims at a blow (John L. Motley). 3. pagandom; heathendom. –adj … Useful english dictionary
pay|nim — or Pay|nim «PAY nihm», noun, adjective. Archaic. –n. 1. a pagan; heathen. 2. a Muslim; Saracen: »... the crusader, who had sunk thirty thousand paynims at a blow (John L. Motley). 3. pagandom; heathendom. –adj … Useful english dictionary
pay — 1. v. & n. v.tr. (past and past part. paid) 1 (also absol.) give (a person etc.) what is due for services done, goods received, debts incurred, etc. (paid him in full; I assure you I have paid). 2 a give (a usu. specified amount) for work done, a … Useful english dictionary