- Platypod
- Platypod \Plat"y*pod\, n. [Platy + -pod.] (Zo["o]l.) An animal having broad feet, or a broad foot. [1913 Webster]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.
platypod — /plat i pod /, adj. 1. Also, platypodous /pleuh tip euh deuhs/. having a broad foot, as certain gastropod mollusks. n. 2. a platypod animal. [1840 50; PLATY + POD] * * * … Universalium
platypod — /plat i pod /, adj. 1. Also, platypodous /pleuh tip euh deuhs/. having a broad foot, as certain gastropod mollusks. n. 2. a platypod animal. [1840 50; PLATY + POD] … Useful english dictionary
platypodidae — ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˈpädəˌdē noun plural Usage: capitalized Etymology: New Latin, from Platypod , Platypus, type genus (from Greek platypod , platypous flat footed) + idae : a family of ambrosia beetles occurring mainly in the tropics and subtropics … Useful english dictionary