
Poplin Pop"lin, n. [F. popeline, papeline.] A fabric of many varieties, usually made of silk and worsted, -- used especially for women's dresses. [1913 Webster]

{Irish poplin}, a fabric with silk warp and worsted weft, made in Ireland. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • poplin — POPLÍN, poplinuri, s.n. Ţesătură lucioasă de bumbac mercerizat, cu firele de urzeală mai subţiri decât cele de băteală, folosită mai ales pentru cămăşi bărbăteşti sau pentru îmbrăcăminte uşoară femeiască; (la pl.) sortimente diferite de ţesături… …   Dicționar Român

  • Poplin — Poplin, also called tabinet (or tabbinet), is a fabric consisting of a silk warp with a weft of worsted yarn. As the weft is in the form of a stout cord the fabric has a ridged structure, like rep, which gives depth and softness to the lustre of… …   Wikipedia

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  • poplín — poplín. m. Arg. y Ur. popelina …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • poplin — 1710, from Fr. papeline cloth of fine silk and worsted (1660s), probably from Prov. papalino, fem. of papalin of or belonging to the pope, from M.L. papalis papal. The reference is to Avignon, papal residence during the schism 1309 1408 (and… …   Etymology dictionary

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  • poplín — m. Arg. y Ur. popelina …   Diccionario de la lengua española

  • poplin — ► NOUN ▪ a plain woven fabric, typically a lightweight cotton, with a corded surface. ORIGIN obsolete French papeline, perhaps from Italian papalina papal , because first made in the town of Avignon (residence of popes in exile, 1309 77) …   English terms dictionary

  • poplin — [päp′lin] n. [Fr papeline, prob. altered < ( draps de) Poperinghes, (cloths from) Poperinge, city in Flanders, textile center in the Middle Ages] a sturdy fabric of cotton, silk, rayon, etc., in plain weave with fine cross ribbing, used for… …   English World dictionary

  • poplin — /pop lin/, n. a finely corded fabric of cotton, rayon, silk, or wool, for dresses, draperies, etc. [1700 10; < F popeline, earlier papeline < It papalina, fem. of papalino papal; so called from being made at the papal city of Avignon. See PAPAL,… …   Universalium

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