pouff — ‘You pampered pouff’ is said by one man to another in Daniel, by David Thomson. It causes the man so addressed to hit the speaker and become involved in a fight with him. He later discusses the incident with a friend.’ ‘You’re a pouff,” she… … A dictionary of epithets and terms of address
pouff — noun see pouf * * * pouff or pouffe «poof», noun. Especially British. pouf. * * * pouff, pouffe obs. forms of puff n. and v … Useful english dictionary
pouff — a male homosexual Not from the English dialect meaning a big stupid person {EDD) but probably from the exclamation, implying a lack of substance or value. Also as pooftah: Don t tie the tapes under your chin... or they ll think you re a … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms
pouff — n an alternative spelling of poof … Contemporary slang
pouf — 1. pouf [ puf ] interj. et n. m. • 1458; onomatopée I ♦ Interj. Exclamation exprimant un bruit sourd de chute. Et pouf ! le voilà par terre. Loc. (lang. enfantin) Faire pouf : tomber. II ♦ (Évoquant l enflure; cf. bouffer, bouffi.) N. m. 1 ♦… … Encyclopédie Universelle
poof — (poove, pouff, puff) n a male homosexual. The most common slang term in Britain and Australia. The variations of the word go in and out of fashion. Poof and poove were popular in the 1960s, poofter in the 1970s. The origin of the epithet is… … Contemporary slang
poofter — (poove, pouff, puff) n a male homosexual. The most common slang term in Britain and Australia. The variations of the word go in and out of fashion. Poof and poove were popular in the 1960s, poofter in the 1970s. The origin of the epithet is… … Contemporary slang
pooftah — (poove, pouff, puff) n a male homosexual. The most common slang term in Britain and Australia. The variations of the word go in and out of fashion. Poof and poove were popular in the 1960s, poofter in the 1970s. The origin of the epithet is… … Contemporary slang
poof — ‘You pampered pouff’ is said by one man to another in Daniel, by David Thomson. It causes the man so addressed to hit the speaker and become involved in a fight with him. He later discusses the incident with a friend.’ ‘You’re a pouff,” she… … A dictionary of epithets and terms of address
poofter — ‘You pampered pouff’ is said by one man to another in Daniel, by David Thomson. It causes the man so addressed to hit the speaker and become involved in a fight with him. He later discusses the incident with a friend.’ ‘You’re a pouff,” she… … A dictionary of epithets and terms of address