
Baetulus B[ae]"tu*lus, n.; pl. {B[ae]tuli}. [L., fr. Gr. bai`tylos a sacred meteorite.] (Antiq.) A meteorite, or similar rude stone artificially shaped, held sacred or worshiped as of divine origin. [1913 Webster]

All the evidence goes to prove that these menhirs are b[ae]tuli, i. e., traditional and elementary images of the deity. --I. Gonino (Perrot & Chipiez). [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • Baetuli — Baetulus B[ae] tu*lus, n.; pl. {B[ae]tuli}. [L., fr. Gr. bai tylos a sacred meteorite.] (Antiq.) A meteorite, or similar rude stone artificially shaped, held sacred or worshiped as of divine origin. [1913 Webster] All the evidence goes to prove… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • baetyl — baetylic /bee til ik/, adj. /beet l/, n. Class. Antiq. a meteorite or stone held sacred or believed to be of divine origin. Also, baetulus /bee cheuh leuhs, beet l euhs/, baetylus /beet l euhs/. [1850 55; < L baetulus < Gk baítylos meteoric… …   Universalium

  • baetylus — or baetulus In Greek religion, a sacred stone or pillar. In antiquity there were numerous holy stones, most associated with a deity. The most famous example is the holy stone known as the Omphalos in the temple of Apollo at Delphi. Sometimes the… …   Universalium

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