precatory words — Words of entreaty, request, desire, wish, or recommendation, employed in wills, as distinguished from direct and imperative terms. Mere precatory words or expressions in a trust or will are ineffective to dispose of property. There must be a… … Black's law dictionary
precatory words — Words of request, recommendation, suggestion, or expectation. Re Bernheim, 82 Mont 198, 266 P 378, 57 ALR 1169. Words whose ordinary significance imports entreaty, recommendation, or expectation, rather than mandatory direction, such as, desire,… … Ballentine's law dictionary
precatory words — /prɛkətəri ˈwɜdz/ (say prekuhtuhree werdz) plural noun Law words in a legal instrument making a gift of property, expressing the wish that it be put to a particular purpose …
precatory words — noun plural : words of recommendation, request, entreaty, wish, or expectation employed in legal instruments (as wills) and often resulting in no effective gift or rights being created … Useful english dictionary
precatory — prec·a·to·ry / pre kə ˌtōr ē/ adj: expressing a wish or desire but not creating a legal obligation or affirmative duty a precatory remark the precatory words ◇ When interpreting wills, courts will look to whether a direction is precatory or… … Law dictionary
Precatory — Precative Prec a*tive, Precatory Prec a*to*ry, a. [L. precativus, precatorius, fr. precari to pray. See {Precarious}.] Suppliant; beseeching. Bp. Hopkins. [1913 Webster] {Precatory words} (Law), words of recommendation, request, entreaty, wish,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
precatory trust — A term of dual meaning: (1) a trust which is not enforceable for the reason that the words of entreaty or permission relied upon to create a trust are not to be construed as words of command or direction so as effectively to create a trust; (2) a … Ballentine's law dictionary
precatory trust — /prɛkətəri ˈtrʌst/ (say prekuhtuhree trust) noun Law a trust (def. 9a) construed from the use of precatory words, if these can be regarded as an intention to impose a trust and not merely the expression of a wish …
precatory trust — noun : a trust created by precatory words construed as mandatory … Useful english dictionary
precatory language — Words in a will or a trust used by the testator (the person making the will) or settlor (the person making a trust) to express a wish or desire to have his or her property disposed of in a certain way or to have some other task undertaken, which… … Law dictionary