progenerate — index propagate (increase), reproduce Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
progenerate — pro·gen·er·ate … English syllables
progenerate — prōˈjenəˌrāt transitive verb Etymology: Latin progeneratus, past participle of progenerare, from pro forward, forth + generare to beget, procreate more at pro , generate : beget, procreate … Useful english dictionary
Michael Sells — Michael Anthony Sells (Born in Butte MT, on May 8, 1949) is currently the John Henry Barrows Professor of Islamic History and Literature at the Divinity School of the University of Chicago.[1]. Michael Sells studies and teaches in the areas of… … Wikipedia
propagate — I (increase) verb be fruitful, bear, beget, breed, bring into being, continue, create, engender, father, fecundate, generate, gignere, give birth, multiply, originate, procreare, procreate, produce, progenerate, proliferate, pullulate, reproduce … Law dictionary
reproduce — I verb beget, breed, bring forth, conceive, copy, create, do again, double, duplicate, engender, father, fecundate, fructify, generate, give birth to, imitate, make again, manifold, mirror, multiply, parallel, portray, procreate, progenerate,… … Law dictionary
beg — Synonyms and related words: adjure, appeal, appeal to, ask, bear, beget, beseech, besiege, brace, breed, bum, cadge, call for help, call on, call upon, circumvent, clamor for, conjure, crave, cry for, cry on, cry to, demand, ditch, double, elude … Moby Thesaurus
breed — Synonyms and related words: accrue, accumulate, advance, affiliation, animal kingdom, apparentation, appear, appreciate, apprentice, arise, author, balloon, be gravid, be knocked up, be pregnant, be with child, bear, beget, birth, bloat, blood,… … Moby Thesaurus
father — Synonyms and related words: Establishment, VIP, abba, abbe, affiliate to, agent, ancestor, ancestors, apprentice, architect, artificer, artist, aunt, auntie, author, baron, bear, beget, begetter, beginner, big gun, big man, big name, bigwig,… … Moby Thesaurus
procreate — Synonyms and related words: bear, beget, birth, blossom, breed, breed true, brew, bring forth, bring into being, bring to birth, burgeon, call into being, coin, conceive, concoct, contrive, cook up, copulate, create, crossbreed, design, develop,… … Moby Thesaurus