protocercal — proterocercal … Dictionary of ichthyology
lophocercal — protocercal (the type of tail fin primitively symmetrical, both internally and externally, and hence one which has not undergone reduction or modification of the original form, e.g. in Petromyzontiformes) … Dictionary of ichthyology
Diphycercal — Diph y*cer cal, a. [Gr. difyh s double (di = di s twice + fy ein to produce) + ke rkos tail.] (Anat.) Having the tail fin divided into two equal parts by the notochord, or end of the vertebral column; protocercal. See {Protocercal}. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Fish anatomy — The anatomy of fish is primarily governed by the physical characteristics of water, which is much denser than air, holds a relatively small amount of dissolved oxygen, and absorbs light more than air does. Body (1) operculum (gill cover), (2)… … Wikipedia
proterocercal — the type of tail fin primitively symmetrical, both internally and externally, and hence one which has not undergone reduction or modification of the original form, e.g. in Petromyzontiformes. Also called protocercal … Dictionary of ichthyology