Quercus Suber

Quercus Suber
Cork Cork (k[^o]rk), n. [Cf. G., Dan., & Sw. kork, D. kurk; all fr. Sp. corcho, fr. L. cortex, corticis, bark, rind. Cf. {Cortex}.] 1. The outer layer of the bark of the cork tree ({Quercus Suber}), of which stoppers for bottles and casks are made. See {Cutose}. [1913 Webster]

2. A stopper for a bottle or cask, cut out of cork. [1913 Webster]

3. A mass of tabular cells formed in any kind of bark, in greater or less abundance. [1913 Webster]

Note: Cork is sometimes used wrongly for calk, calker; calkin, a sharp piece of iron on the shoe of a horse or ox. [1913 Webster]

{Cork jackets}, a jacket having thin pieces of cork inclosed within canvas, and used to aid in swimming.

{Cork tree} (Bot.), the species of oak ({Quercus Suber} of Southern Europe) whose bark furnishes the cork of commerce. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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