recency — noun The property of being recent, newness Due to its recency, there are no used parts available for this model … Wiktionary
Recency illusion — The Recency illusion is the belief that a word, meaning, grammatical construction or phrase is of recent origin when it is in fact of long established usage. The term was invented by Arnold Zwicky, a linguist at Stanford University. [Intensive… … Wikipedia
Recency principle — The Recency Principle is described by the Roger Shuy in the journal Language Log [ myl/languagelog/archives/002928.html] .It is used by police interrogators to have a subject incriminate himself without realizing it, and … Wikipedia
Recency-Effekt — Beim Rezenzeffekt (engl. recency effect) handelt es sich um ein psychologisches Phänomen. Er besagt, dass später eingehende Informationen einen größeren Einfluss auf die Erinnerungsleistung einer Person ausüben als früher eingehende Informationen … Deutsch Wikipedia
Recency, Frequency, Monetary Value - RFM — A marketing analysis tool used to identify a firm s best customers by measuring certain factors. The RFM model is based on three quantitative factors: Recency How recently a customer has made a purchase Frequency How often a customer makes a… … Investment dictionary
recency effect — A recency effect is the tendency for individuals to be most influenced by what they have last seen or heard, because people tend to retain the most complete knowledge about the most recent events. However, under certain circumstances, primacy… … Dictionary of sociology
recency — noun Date: 1612 the quality or state of being recent … New Collegiate Dictionary
recency — See recent. * * * … Universalium
recency — re·cen·cy || rɪËsnsɪ n. newness, state of being from late times, freshness … English contemporary dictionary
recency — re·cen·cy … English syllables